VMware vSphere 8.0 Update 3 STIG Slated for Release

 VMware recently released vSphere 8.0 Update 3. Revised STIG content for U3 will be released rapidly to provide STIG support for U3 deployments. The VMware vSphere 8.0 STIG packages will be incremented to V2R1, which will include U3 updates, NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5 Control Correlation Identifier updates, and any pending revisions for the July 2024 Quarterly Maintenance Release. Existing deployments based on U2 should continue to use the current V1R1 package until they are upgraded to U3. The V1R1 package will remain on Cyber Exchange in its original, unaltered state until VMware halts support for U2. No maintenance will be performed on the VMware V1R1 STIGs.  

STIG/SRG Updates for NIST SP 800-53 Rev 5 Set for July

DISA will be updating numerous STIGS and SRGs to bring them into compliance with changes from the fifth revision of the NIST SP 800-53. The STIG team will complete this work for the July maintenance release. Therefore, any routine STIG/SRG maintenance will be held until the October release. All SRGs and 100 STIGs, listed below, will be included in the July updates. 

DISA Will Publish April STIG Automation in July

The automation portion of the April maintenance release will be held until the July maintenance release. This is due to recent changes in automation processes and procedures and upcoming changes to STIGs and SRGs from the fifth revision of the NIST SP 800-53.