
The Identity Synchronization Service (IdSS) enables two EDS provisioning and synchronization services available to the DoD Combatant Commands, Services, and Agencies (CC/S/A’s). IdSS collects identity data for all DoD CAC holders and Non-Person Entities (NPEs) from authoritative sources, and grooms that data, as required. The identity and contact data includes person and persona elements, including Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates, for personas that have a current DoD Common Access Card (CAC). The primary sources for this data are DMDC’s Person Data Repository (PDR) for DoD person and persona data and DISA’s Global Directory Service (GDS) for user PKI certificates.

IdSS also controls all account creation, deletion, and updates into DISA’s Enterprise Applications Services Forest (EASF), which is an essential component for the delivery of Enterprise Applications, including DoD Enterprise Email (DEE), and the DoD Enterprise Portal Service (DEPS).

Why Should I Use It?

IdSS provides CC/S/As with a source for user identity and contact data to support local directory provisioning and Global Address List (GAL) population. This allows applications to reduce their infrastructure footprint and IT expenditures for managing and administering user accounts. Also, use of an IdSS Machine Interface (IdMI) feed or Enterprise Directory Query Service (EDQS) connection satisfies some of the requirements mandated by the DoD CIO EDS Memo.

How Can I Use It?

IdSS data is available for use by individual CC/S/As via the IdSS Machine Interface (IdMI) or the Enterprise Directory Query Service (EDQS). For information on establishing an interface with IdSS, refer to the IdMI or EDQS Connection Instructions on the Selecting IdAM Services page, or contact the DISA EDS team.


All IdSS reference materials are available on the Program Documentation page. This is only available on DoD Cyber Exchange NIPR.