Air Force Electronic Publications |
Air Force Electronic Publications |
Various |
AR 25-2 |
Information Assurance |
03/23/2009 |
Army Publications |
Army Publications |
12/29/2017 |
CJCSI_6211.02D |
Defense Information System Network (DISN): Policy and Responsibilities |
01/24/2012 |
CJCSI_6510.01F |
Assurance (IA) and Computer Network Defense (CND) |
02/09/2011 |
CJCSM_6510.01B |
Cyber Incident Handling Program |
07/10/2012 |
CNSS Library Files |
The Committee National Security Systems (CNSS) Libary - CNSS Home page and select Library from top navigation bar |
Various |
Collaboration Peripherals in Secure Spaces |
Department of Defense policy about Collaboration Peripherals in Secure Spaces |
06/04/2021 |
DD2875 MAY 2022 EDITION |
DD2875 MAY 2022 EDITION |
05/01/2022 |
Defense Privacy Office |
Defense Privacy Office |
Various |
Defense Switched Network (DSN) |
Defense Switched Network (DSN) |
Various |
Department of Navy Issuances |
Department of Navy Issuances |
Various |
Department of the Navy Memorandum |
Navy DON CIO Policy and Guidance |
Various |
Department of Homeland Security Website |
Various |
DISA Publications |
DISA Publications Page |
Various |
DISR Online (DoD PKI cert req'd) |
DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR) |
Various |
DoD CIO - Use of Non-Government Owned Mobile Devices Memorandum |
DoD CIO - Use of Non-Government Owned Mobile Devices Memorandum |
08/10/2022 |
DoD Issuances |
Official DoD Web Site for DoD Issuances: (Search DoD Directives, Instructions, Publications, Administrative Instructions and Directive Type Memoranda) |
Various |
DoD IT Standards Registry Online |
DoD IT Standards Registry Online |
Various |
DoD Web Site Administration |
DoD Web Masters Policies and Guidelines |
Various |
DoDD 8140.01 |
Cyberspace Workforce Management. (DoDD) 8140.01 reissues and renumbers DoDD 8570.1 |
07/31/2017 |
DODI 8170.01 |
Online Information Management and Electronic Messaging |
Various |
DoDI 8500.01 |
Cybersecurity |
10/7/2019 |
DODI 8510.01 |
Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology |
07/28/2017 |
DoDM 5200.01 Volume 1 |
DoD 5200.1-R - Information Security Program - has been replaced with DoDM 5200.1 Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4. Search "5200" on the DTIC site. Additionally, see DoD 5200.01 link above. |
02/24/2012 |
DoDM 5200.01 Volume 2 |
DoD 5200.1-R - Information Security Program - has been replaced with DoDM 5200.1 Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4. Search "5200" on the DTIC site. Additionally, see DoD 5200.01 link above. |
03/19/2013 |
DoDM 5200.01 Volume 3 |
DoD 5200.1-R - Information Security Program - has been replaced with DoDM 5200.1 Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4. Search "5200" on the DTIC site. Additionally, see DoD 5200.01 link above. |
03/19/2013 |
DoDM 5200.01 Volume 4 |
DoD 5200.1-R - Information Security Program - has been replaced with DoDM 5200.1 Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4. Search "5200" on the DTIC site. Additionally, see DoD 5200.01 link above. |
02/24/2012 |
DoDM 5200.02 |
Procedures for the DoD Personnel Security Program (PSP) |
04/03/2017 |
E.O. Library |
Executive Orders Homepage |
Various |
Federal Register Website |
Federal Register Website |
Various |
FISMA Act of 2014 |
Federal Information Security Management Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-283) |
Various |
HSPD-12 |
Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors. |
08/27/2014 |
HSPD-7 |
Homeland Security Presidential Directive. Subject: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection. |
12/17/2013 |
Information for Agencies |
Information for Agencies |
Various |
Joint Electronic Library |
Joint Doctrine, Education and Training Resources |
Various |
NIAP Validated Products List |
NIAP Oversees Evaluations of Commercial IT Products for Use in National Security Systems |
Various |
NIST Library |
NIST Computer Security Resource Center |
Various |
NSA IA Security Guides |
National Security Agency Security Guides |
Various |
OMB A-130 |
Managing Federal Information as a Strategic Resource |
11/11/2000 |
Public Law 93-579 |
Privacy Act of 1974 |
08/17/2015 |
U.S. Congress |
Congressional Information and Resources |
Various |
USMC References |
Library of Reference Documents |
Various |
White House Website |
White House Information and Resources |
05/27/2010 |