Page Overview

This page contains qualification content for the DoD Manual 8140.03, “Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program,” February 15, 2023. The content on this page provides amplifying information on proposed specific qualification options and requirements based on the criteria described in Section 3, Cyberspace Workforce Structure and Qualification Program.

As described in DoDM 8140.03, each DCWF work role includes associated foundational qualification options and resident qualification requirements as illustrated in the Sample Work Role Qualification Matrix below.

Sample Work Role Qualification Matrix

Information Technology (IT), Cybersecurity (CS), and Cyber Enabler Workforce Element Governance

The DoD CIO is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for the Information Technology (IT), Cybersecurity (CS), and Cyber Enabler workforce elements.


The DoD 8140 Cyber Workforce Qualification Program, Qualification Matrix, and Training Repository captures and organizes commercial certification and training options, DoD-owned training options, and educational options aligned to DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF). The matrix and repository provide a central location to review existing cyber qualification options that meet the requirements of the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program (DoDM 8140.03) and supports the continued professional development of the DoD cyber workforce.

Matrix Organization

Each DoD 8140 foundational qualification option is mapped to a DCWF work role and the appropriate DoD 8140 proficiency level (i.e., Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced). Some qualification options have multiple mappings. Educational options can be found at the following links:

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET):

Centers for Academic Excellence (CAE):

For ease of reading, it is recommended that the user identifies a DCWF work role of interest, identifies the DoD 8140 foundational qualification option, and then researches additional information utilizing the acronym lists and expanded training repository, as applicable. Education, training, and certification options aligned to higher proficiency levels will qualify at lower proficiency levels. If a block area is blank, then no option has been identified for that specific DoD 8140 proficiency level, but higher DoD 8140 proficiency level options can be applied. If a block area has “TBD,” then the content is still in the validation process and may be inserted into the matrix at a later time.

Users can also find digital DoD 8140 qualification matrices embedded in the DCWF Work Role Tool for IT, CS, and Cyber Enabler work roles.


DoD Components may have specific requirements for the completion of DoD-owned cyber training under DoDM 8140.03. This qualification matrix and repository include DoD 8140 qualification content, including DoD-owned cyber training courses, submitted to DoD CIO from 2019-2023. Users should consult with a representative from their organization before enrolling in any foundational qualification option to verify current requirements.

Ingestion of commercial and DoD-owned qualification options is an open and continuous process. Users should continue to monitor the DoD 8140 Documents Library, found on the DISA Cyber Exchange, as more resources become available:

Additional Information

As stated in the DoDM 8140.03, any training approved for the Cyber Mission Forces will also be accepted for the corresponding DCWF work role.

The Defense Cyber Crime Center, Cyber Training Academy developed the “Cyber 101” foundational course, which is aligned as a Training Foundational Qualification Option for most Cyber Enabler and Intelligence Workforce (cyberspace) work roles.

DoD 8140 Cybersecurity (CS) Foundational Qualification Matrix & Training Repository

  Title Size Updated
Cybersecurity (CS) Cybersecurity (CS)
151.32 KB 2024 10 01

DoD 8140 Information Technology (IT) Foundational Qualification Matrix & Training Repository

  Title Size Updated
Information Technology (IT) Information Technology (IT)
144.96 KB 2024 02 20

DoD 8140 Cyber Enablers Foundational Qualification Matrix & Training Repository

  Title Size Updated
Memo: Cyber Enabler Memo: Cyber Enabler
220.45 KB 2024 12 17
Cyber Enablers Cyber Enablers
171.67 KB 2024 06 10

Cyber 101 (CY101)

DoD 8140 CWQP Foundational Qualification Decision Flow Chart

DoD 8140 Qualification & Reporting Desk Guide