Cyberspace Effects
Personnel who plan, support, and execute cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to externally defend or conduct force projection in or through cyberspace.
Develops detailed plans for the conduct or support of the applicable range of cyber operations through collaboration with other planners, operators and/or analysts. Participates in targeting selection, validation, synchronization, and enables integration during the execution of cyber actions.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
264 | Knowledge of basic physical computer components and architectures, including the functions of various components and peripherals (e.g., CPUs, Network Interface Cards, data storage). |
Knowledge |
270 | Knowledge of common adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures in assigned area of responsibility (i.e., historical country-specific tactics, techniques, and procedures; emerging capabilities). |
Knowledge |
2009 | Provide input to the analysis, design, development or acquisition of capabilities used for meeting objectives. |
Task |
2052 | Assess target vulnerabilities and/or operational capabilities to determine course of action. |
Task |
2058 | Assist and advise inter-agency partners in identifying and developing best practices for facilitating operational support to achievement of organization objectives. |
Task |
2073 | Provide input to the identification of cyber-related success criteria. |
Task |
2130 | Develop, review and implement all levels of planning guidance in support of cyber operations. |
Task |
2159 | Contribute to crisis action planning for cyber operations. |
Task |
2160 | Contribute to the development of the organization’s decision support tools if necessary. |
Task |
2186 | Coordinate, produce and track intelligence requirements. |
Task |
2237 | Determine indicators (e.g., measures of effectiveness) that are best suited to specific cyber operation objectives. |
Task |
2265 | Develop and maintain deliberate and/or crisis plans. |
Task |
2266 | Develop and review specific cyber operations guidance for integration into broader planning activities. |
Task |
2272 | Develop cyber operations plans and guidance to ensure that execution and resource allocation decisions align with organization objectives. |
Task |
2327 | Develop, implement, and recommend changes to appropriate planning procedures and policies. |
Task |
2365 | Ensure operational planning efforts are effectively transitioned to current operations. |
Task |
2368 | Ensure that intelligence planning activities are integrated and synchronized with operational planning timelines. |
Task |
2386 | Evaluate intelligence estimates to support the planning cycle. |
Task |
2417 | Facilitate the sharing of “best practices” and “lessons learned” throughout the cyber operations community. |
Task |
2424 | Incorporate cyber operations and communications security support plans into organization objectives. |
Task |
2425 | Incorporate intelligence and counterintelligence to support plan development. |
Task |
2446 | Identify and submit intelligence requirements for the purposes of designating priority information requirements. |
Task |
2459 | Identify intelligence gaps and shortfalls. |
Task |
2459A | Identify cyber intelligence gaps and shortfalls. |
Task |
2509 | Provide input to or develop courses of action based on threat factors. |
Task |
2524 | Integrate cyber planning/targeting efforts with other organizations. |
Task |
2528 | Interpret environment preparations assessments to determine a course of action. |
Task |
2529 | Issue requests for information. |
Task |
2531 | Knowledge of organizational planning concepts. |
Knowledge |
2558 | Maintain relationships with internal and external partners involved in cyber planning or related areas. |
Task |
2561 | Maintain situational awareness of cyber-related intelligence requirements and associated tasking. |
Task |
2562 | Maintain situational awareness of partner capabilities and activities. |
Task |
2590 | Monitor and evaluate integrated cyber operations to identify opportunities to meet organization objectives. |
Task |
2621 | Provide SME and support to planning/developmental forums and working groups as appropriate. |
Task |
2624 | Conduct long-range, strategic planning efforts with internal and external partners in cyber activities. |
Task |
2626 | Provide subject matter expertise to planning efforts with internal and external cyber operations partners. |
Task |
2628 | Participate in exercises. |
Task |
2752 | Provide input to the administrative and logistical elements of an operational support plan. |
Task |
2770 | Provide time sensitive targeting support. |
Task |
2806 | Review and comprehend organizational leadership objectives and guidance for planning. |
Task |
2837 | Submit or respond to requests for deconfliction of cyber operations. |
Task |
2888 | Document lessons learned that convey the results of events and/or exercises. |
Task |
3001 | Ability to accurately and completely source all data used in intelligence, assessment and/or planning products. |
Ability |
3011 | Ability to apply critical reading/thinking skills. |
Ability |
3021 | Ability to collaborate effectively with others. |
Ability |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3033 | Ability to coordinate cyber operations with other organization functions or support activities. |
Ability |
3044 | Ability to exercise judgment when policies are not well-defined. |
Ability |
3054 | Ability to identify external partners with common cyber operations interests. |
Ability |
3076 | Ability to tailor technical and planning information to a customer’s level of understanding. |
Ability |
3098 | Knowledge of virtualization products (Vmware, Virtual PC). |
Knowledge |
3106 | Knowledge of a wide range of basic communications media concepts and terminology (e.g., computer and telephone networks, satellite, cable, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3114 | Knowledge of all forms of intelligence support needs, topics, and focus areas. |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3154 | Knowledge of classification and control markings standards, policies and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3159 | Knowledge of cyber operations support or enabling processes. |
Knowledge |
3194 | Knowledge of crisis action planning and time sensitive planning procedures. |
Knowledge |
3211 | Knowledge of cyber laws and legal considerations and their effect on cyber planning. |
Knowledge |
3218 | Knowledge of cyber operations terminology/lexicon. |
Knowledge |
3219 | Knowledge of cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3225 | Knowledge of data communications terminology (e.g., networking protocols, Ethernet, IP, encryption, optical devices, removable media). |
Knowledge |
3235 | Knowledge of deconfliction processes and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3257 | Knowledge of target and threat organization structures, critical capabilities, and critical vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3262 | Knowledge of evolving/emerging communications technologies. |
Knowledge |
3264 | Knowledge of existing, emerging, and long-range issues related to cyber operations strategy, policy, and organization. |
Knowledge |
3268 | Knowledge of staff management, assignment, and allocation processes. |
Knowledge |
3271 | Knowledge of internal and external partner cyber operations capabilities and tools. |
Knowledge |
3287 | Knowledge of how collection requirements and information needs are translated, tracked, and prioritized across the extended enterprise. |
Knowledge |
3293 | Knowledge of how modern wireless communications systems impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3338 | Knowledge of intelligence reporting principles, policies, procedures, and vehicles, including report formats, reportability criteria (requirements and priorities), dissemination practices, and legal authorities and restrictions. |
Knowledge |
3342 | Knowledge of intelligence support to planning, execution, and assessment. |
Knowledge |
3356 | Knowledge of organization policies and planning concepts for partnering with internal and/or external organizations. |
Knowledge |
3358 | Knowledge of organizational hierarchy and cyber decision making processes. |
Knowledge |
3374 | Knowledge of malware. |
Knowledge |
3391 | Knowledge of objectives, situation, operational environment, and the status and disposition of internal and external partner collection capabilities available to support planning. |
Knowledge |
3419 | Knowledge of organization or partner exploitation of digital networks. |
Knowledge |
3441 | Knowledge of physical and logical network devices and infrastructure to include hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. |
Knowledge |
3463 | Knowledge of required intelligence planning products associated with cyber operational planning. |
Knowledge |
3489 | Knowledge of organizational structures and associated intelligence capabilities. |
Knowledge |
3571 | Knowledge of the organizational planning and staffing process. |
Knowledge |
3572 | Knowledge of organization decision support tools and/or methods. |
Knowledge |
3582 | Knowledge of the intelligence frameworks, processes, and related systems. |
Knowledge |
3585 | Knowledge of accepted organization planning systems. |
Knowledge |
3605 | Knowledge of the information environment. |
Knowledge |
3607 | Knowledge of the processes to synchronize operational assessment procedures with the critical information requirement process. |
Knowledge |
3610 | Knowledge of the relationships between end states, objectives, effects, lines of operation, etc. |
Knowledge |
3615 | Knowledge of the structure and intent of organization specific plans, guidance and authorizations. |
Knowledge |
3616 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern digital and telephony networks. |
Knowledge |
3638 | Knowledge of organization issues, objectives, and operations in cyber as well as regulations and policy directives governing cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3665 | Skill in administrative planning activities, to include preparation of functional and specific support plans, preparing and managing correspondence, and staffing procedures. |
Skill |
3766 | Skill in documenting and communicating complex technical and programmatic information. |
Skill |
3772 | Skill in evaluating information for reliability, validity, and relevance. |
Skill |
3844 | Skill in preparing and presenting briefings. |
Skill |
3976 | Skill to apply the process used to assess the performance and impact of cyber operations. |
Skill |
3998 | Skill to craft indicators of operational progress/success. |
Skill |
4008 | Skill to distinguish between notional and actual resources and their applicability to the plan under development. |
Skill |
4058 | Skill to synchronize operational assessment procedures with the critical information requirement process. |
Skill |
4106 | Knowledge of analytic tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4451 | Knowledge of the full-spectrum of cyberspace operational missions (e.g., DODIN Operations, DCO, OCO), principles, capabilities, limitations, and effects. |
4471 | Knowledge of intelligence/SIGINT reporting and dissemination procedures. |
8069 | Develop cyberspace operations TTPs for integration into operational and tactical levels of planning. |
Task |
Provides software and hardware capabilities that produce cyberspace effects in and throughout cyberspace operations through vulnerability analysis, and software research and development.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
23 | Knowledge of computer programming principles such as object-oriented design. |
Knowledge |
27 | Knowledge of cryptography and cryptographic key management concepts. |
Knowledge |
40 | Knowledge of organization’s evaluation and validation requirements. |
Knowledge |
56 | Knowledge of cybersecurity principles and methods that apply to software development. |
Knowledge |
63 | Knowledge of cybersecurity principles and organizational requirements (relevant to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation). |
Knowledge |
74 | Knowledge of low-level computer languages (e.g., assembly languages). |
Knowledge |
95A | Knowledge of penetration testing principles, tools, and techniques. |
Knowledge |
102 | Knowledge of programming language structures and logic. |
Knowledge |
116 | Knowledge of software debugging principles. |
Knowledge |
118 | Knowledge of software development models (e.g., Waterfall Model, Spiral Model). |
Knowledge |
119 | Knowledge of software engineering. |
Knowledge |
168 | Skill in conducting software debugging. |
Skill |
185A | Skill in developing applications that can log and handle errors, exceptions, and application faults and logging. |
Skill |
278 | Knowledge of different types of network communication (e.g., LAN, WAN, MAN, WLAN, WWAN). |
Knowledge |
320A | Knowledge of external organizations and academic institutions with cyber focus (e.g., cyber curriculum/training and Research & Development). |
Knowledge |
408 | Analyze information to determine, recommend, and plan the development of a new application or modification of an existing application. |
Task |
414 | Analyze user needs and software requirements to determine feasibility of design within time and cost constraints. |
Task |
417 | Apply coding and testing standards, apply security testing tools including “‘fuzzing” static-analysis code scanning tools, and conduct code reviews. |
Task |
506 | Design, develop, and modify software systems, using scientific analysis and mathematical models to predict and measure outcome and consequences of design. |
Task |
515A | Develop software system testing and validation procedures, programming, and documentation. |
Task |
538 | Develop new or identify existing awareness and training materials that are appropriate for intended audiences. |
Task |
543 | Develop secure code and error handling. |
Task |
630 | Identify and direct the remediation of technical problems encountered during testing and implementation of new systems (e.g., identify and find work-arounds for communication protocols that are not interoperable). |
Task |
645 | Identify security issues around steady state operation and management of software and incorporate security measures that must be taken when a product reaches its end of life. |
Task |
709A | Modify and maintain existing software to correct errors, to adapt it to new hardware, or to upgrade interfaces and improve performance. |
Task |
756 | Perform integrated quality assurance testing for security functionality and resiliency attack. |
Task |
764 | Perform secure programming and identify potential flaws in codes to mitigate vulnerabilities. |
Task |
770 | Perform risk analysis (e.g., threat, vulnerability, and probability of occurrence) whenever an application or system undergoes a major change. |
Task |
785 | Prepare detailed workflow charts and diagrams that describe input, output, and logical operation, and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer language. |
Task |
826 | Address security implications in the software acceptance phase including completion criteria, risk acceptance and documentation, common criteria, and methods of independent testing. |
Task |
865 | Translate security requirements into application design elements including documenting the elements of the software attack surfaces, conducting threat modeling, and defining any specific security criteria. |
Task |
904 | Knowledge of interpreted and compiled computer languages. |
Knowledge |
905 | Knowledge of secure coding techniques. |
Knowledge |
970A | Apply cybersecurity functions (e.g., encryption, access control, and identity management) to reduce exploitation opportunities. |
Task |
971 | Design countermeasures and mitigations against potential exploitations of programming language weaknesses and vulnerabilities in system and elements. |
Task |
973A | Skill in using code analysis tools. |
Skill |
978A | Knowledge of root cause analysis techniques. |
Knowledge |
979 | Knowledge of supply chain risk management standards, processes, and practices. |
Knowledge |
980A | Skill in performing root cause analysis. |
Skill |
1020A | Skill in secure test plan design (e. g. unit, integration, system, acceptance). |
Skill |
1036 | Knowledge of applicable laws (e.g., Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Protect America Act, search and seizure laws, civil liberties and privacy laws), statutes (e.g., in Titles 10, 18, 32, 50 in U.S. Code), Presidential Directives, executive branch guidelines, and/or administrative/criminal legal guidelines and procedures relevant to work performed. |
Knowledge |
1056 | Knowledge of operations security. |
Knowledge |
1062 | Knowledge of software reverse engineering techniques. |
Knowledge |
1071A | Ability to develop secure software according to secure software deployment methodologies, tools, and practices. |
Ability |
1076 | Collaborate with stakeholders to identify and/or develop appropriate solutions technology. |
Task |
1140A | Skill in using Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption and digital signature capabilities into applications (e.g., S/MIME email, SSL traffic). |
Skill |
1149A | Enable applications with public keying by leveraging existing public key infrastructure (PKI) libraries and incorporating certificate management and encryption functionalities when appropriate. |
Task |
1151 | Identify and leverage the enterprise-wide version control system while designing and developing secure applications. |
Task |
2335 | Direct software programming and development of documentation. |
Task |
2417 | Facilitate the sharing of “best practices” and “lessons learned” throughout the cyber operations community. |
Task |
2561 | Maintain situational awareness of cyber-related intelligence requirements and associated tasking. |
Task |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3140 | Knowledge of basic programming concepts (e.g., levels, structures, compiled vs. interpreted languages). |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3441 | Knowledge of physical and logical network devices and infrastructure to include hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. |
Knowledge |
3622 | Knowledge of organizational and partner authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to achieving objectives. |
Knowledge |
4333 | Ability to program in at least one assembly languages. |
Ability |
4366 | Ability to use common networking protocols. |
Ability |
4368 | Ability to use data structures. |
Ability |
4372 | Ability to use reference documentation for C, Python, assembly, and other international technical standards and specifications (IEEE, ISO, IETF, etc.). |
Ability |
4382 | Ability to analyze, modify, develop, debug and document software and applications in C programming language. |
Ability |
4383 | Ability to analyze, modify, develop, debug and document software and applications in Python programming language. |
Ability |
4384 | Ability to analyze, modify, develop, debug and document software and applications utilizing standard, non-standard, specialized, serialization and/or unique network communication protocols. |
Ability |
4385 | Ability to interpret customer requirements and evaluate resource and system constraints to create solution design specifications. |
Ability |
4424 | Knowledge of cyber adversary threat tier taxonomy (2014 National Intelligence Estimate [NIE]), DIA/NSA Standard Cyber Threat Model, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4426 | Knowledge of cyber mission force equipment taxonomy (Platform-Access-Payloads/Toolset), capability development process and repository. |
Knowledge |
4433 | Knowledge of data serialization formats (e.g. XML, JSON, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4441 | Knowledge of embedded systems |
Knowledge |
4497 | Knowledge of modern software development methodologies (e.g. Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Test Driven Development (TDD), etc.). |
Knowledge |
4517 | Knowledge of principles, methodologies, and tools used to improve quality of software (e.g. regression testing, test coverage, code review, pair programming, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4527 | Knowledge of relevant mission processes including version control processes, release processes, documentation requirements, and testing requirements. |
Knowledge |
4534 | Knowledge of sources and locations (public and classified) of capability development TTPs and tradecraft information/intelligence used by the US Gov and others. |
Knowledge |
4535 | Knowledge of sources and locations of cyber capability registries and repositories (e.g. Joint Cyber Tactics Manual (JCTM), Cyber Capability Registry (CCR), Agency and service repositories, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4546 | Knowledge of task and project management tools used for software development (e.g. Jira, Confluence, Trac, MediaWiki, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4548 | Knowledge of terms and concepts of operating system fundamentals (e.g. virtualization, paging, file systems, I/O, memory management, process abstraction, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4554 | Knowledge of the concepts and terminology of datastructures and associated algorithms (e.g., search, sort, traverse, insert, delete). |
Knowledge |
4580 | Knowledge of the supported organization’s approval process for operational use of a capability. |
Knowledge |
4584 | Knowledge of the use and application of static and dynamic program analysis. |
Knowledge |
4598 | Knowledge of your organizations project management, timeline estimation, and software engineering philosophy (e.g. CI/CD, TDD, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4611 | Skill in conducting “open source” research. |
Skill |
4684 | Knowledge of techniques to harden capabilities to prevent attacks and forensics. |
6780 | Utilize different programming languages to write code, open files, read files, and write output to different files. |
Task |
8002 | Analyze and document applications using assembly languages. |
Task |
8003 | Analyze countermeasures and mitigations against potential exploitations of programming language weaknesses and vulnerabilities in system and elements. |
Task |
8006 | Analyze, modify, develop, debug, and document software and applications using assembly languages. |
Task |
8007 | Analyze, modify, develop, debug, and document software and applications utilizing standard, non-standard, specialized, and/or unique communication protocols. |
Task |
8008 | Analyze, modify, develop, debug, and document software and applications which run in kernel space. |
Task |
8009 | Analyze, modify, develop, debug, and document software and applications which run in user space. |
Task |
8012 | Apply cryptography primitives to protect the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data. |
Task |
8014 | Apply software engineering best practices to enable sustainability and extensibility (Agile, TDD, CI/CD, etc.) to include containerization and virtualization technologies. |
Task |
8016 | Architect design documents that describe input, output, and logical operation. |
Task |
8032 | Conduct hardware and/or software static and dynamic analysis to reverse engineer malicious or benign systems. |
Task |
8049 | Create or enhance cyberspace capabilities to compromise, deny, degrade, disrupt, destroy, or manipulate automated information systems. |
Task |
8050 | Create or enhance cyberspace solutions to enable surveillance and reconnaissance of automated information systems. |
Task |
8054 | Describe the most likely cause of an error and recommend a list of possible solutions given the description of error or system crash. |
Task |
8055 | Design and develop data storage requirements, database structure, process flow, systematic procedures, algorithms, data analysis, and file structures. |
Task |
8056 | Design and develop user interfaces (e.g. web pages, GUIs, CLIs, Console Interfaces) |
Task |
8057 | Design and direct software development efforts to detect and disrupt nation-state cyber threat actors. |
Task |
8068 | Develop content for cyber capabilities. |
Task |
8076 | Develop, modify, and utilize automation technologies to enable employment of capabilities as efficiently as possible (e.g. TDD, CI/CD, etc.) |
Task |
8080 | Document and communicate tradecraft, best practices, TTPs, training, briefings, presentations, papers, studies, lessons learned, etc. to both technical and non-technical audiences. |
Task |
8092 | Enhance capability design strategies and tactics by synthesizing information, processes, and techniques in the areas of malicious software, vulnerabilities, reverse engineering, secure software engineering, and exploitation. |
Task |
8095 | Enter work into Task and project management tools used for software development (e.g. Jira, Confluence, Trac, MediaWiki, etc.) |
Task |
8106 | Generate proper supporting documentation of cyber capability. |
Task |
8118 | Implement project management, software engineering philosophies, modern capability development methodologies (Agile, TDD, CI/CD, etc), at the team level. |
Task |
8129 | Locate and utilize technical specifications and industry standards (e.g. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), IEEE, IEC, International Standards Organization (ISO)). |
Task |
8135 | Make use of compiler attributes and platform-specific features. |
Task |
8144 | Perform code review and analysis to inform OPSEC analysis and application (attribution, sanitization, etc.) |
Task |
8150 | Perform requirements analysis to identify workable tasks needed to organize collaborative software and documentation development. |
Task |
8152 | Perform static and dynamic analysis in order to find errors and flaws. |
Task |
8156 | Produce artifacts to inform risk analysis, acceptance testing, and legal review. |
Task |
8186 | Reference capability repositories and other sources to identify existing capabilities which fully/partially meet customer requirements (with or without modification). |
Task |
8207 | Utilize data structures to organize, sort, and manipulate elements of information |
Task |
8210 | Utilize secure coding techniques during development of software and applications |
Task |
8211 | Utilize tools to decompile, disassembe, analzye, and reverse engineer compiled binaries. |
Task |
Cyberspace Operators use a wide range of software applications for network navigation, tactical forensic analysis, surveillance and reconnaissance, and executing on-net operations in support of offensive cyberspace operations when directed.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
49 | Knowledge of host/network access control mechanisms (e.g., access control list). |
Knowledge |
81A | Knowledge of network protocols such as TCP/IP, Dynamic Host Configuration, Domain Name System (DNS), and directory services. |
Knowledge |
105 | Knowledge of system and application security threats and vulnerabilities (e.g., buffer overflow, mobile code, cross-site scripting, Procedural Language/Structured Query Language [PL/SQL] and injections, race conditions, covert channel, replay, return-oriented attacks, malicious code). |
Knowledge |
264 | Knowledge of basic physical computer components and architectures, including the functions of various components and peripherals (e.g., CPUs, Network Interface Cards, data storage). |
Knowledge |
286 | Knowledge of file extensions (e.g., .dll, .bat, .zip, .pcap, .gzip). |
Knowledge |
287 | Knowledge of file system implementations (e.g., New Technology File System [NTFS], File Allocation Table [FAT], File Extension [EXT]). |
Knowledge |
344 | Knowledge of virtualization technologies and virtual machine development and maintenance. |
Knowledge |
350 | Skill in analyzing memory dumps to extract information. |
Skill |
1033 | Knowledge of basic system administration, network, and operating system hardening techniques. |
Knowledge |
1063A | Knowledge of operating system structures and internals (e.g., process management, directory structure, installed applications). |
Knowledge |
1064 | Knowledge of Extensible Markup Language (XML) schemas. |
Knowledge |
1094 | Knowledge of debugging procedures and tools. |
Knowledge |
1128A | Knowledge of database access application programming interfaces (APIs) (e.g., Java Database Connectivity [JDBC]). |
Knowledge |
2020 | Analyze internal operational architecture, tools, and procedures for ways to improve performance. |
Task |
2020A | Analyze target operational architecture for ways to gain access. |
Task |
2088 | Collaborate with development organizations to create and deploy the tools needed to achieve objectives. |
Task |
2119 | Conduct network scouting and vulnerability analyses of systems within a network. |
Task |
2123 | Conduct on-net and off-net activities to control, and exfiltrate data from deployed, automated technologies. |
Task |
2124 | Conduct open source data collection via various online tools. |
Task |
2133 | Conduct survey of computer and digital networks. |
Task |
2205 | Deploy tools to a target and utilize them once deployed (e.g., backdoors, sniffers). |
Task |
2226 | Detect exploits against targeted networks and hosts and react accordingly. |
Task |
2353 | Edit or execute simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and UNIX systems. |
Task |
2477 | Identify potential points of strength and vulnerability within a network. |
Task |
2559 | Maintain situational awareness and functionality of organic operational infrastructure. |
Task |
2660 | Conduct cyber activities to degrade/remove information resident in computers and computer networks. |
Task |
2708 | Process exfiltrated data for analysis and/or dissemination to customers. |
Task |
3003 | Ability to adjust to and operate in a diverse, unpredictable, challenging, and fast-paced work environment. |
Ability |
3007 | Ability to analyze malware. |
Ability |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3059 | Ability to interpret and translate customer requirements into operational action. |
Ability |
3063 | Ability to monitor system operations and react to events in response to triggers and/or observation of trends or unusual activity. |
Ability |
3069 | Ability to produce technical documentation. |
Ability |
3103A | Ability to identify/describe target vulnerability. |
Ability |
3125 | Knowledge of assembly code. |
Knowledge |
3130 | Knowledge of auditing and logging procedures (including server-based logging). |
Knowledge |
3133 | Knowledge of basic back-up and recovery procedures including different types of backups (e.g., full, incremental). |
Knowledge |
3140 | Knowledge of basic programming concepts (e.g., levels, structures, compiled vs. interpreted languages). |
Knowledge |
3141 | Knowledge of basic software applications (e.g., data storage and backup, database applications) and their vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3144 | Knowledge of basic wireless applications, including vulnerabilities in various types of wireless applications. |
Knowledge |
3206 | Knowledge of current software and methodologies for active defense and system hardening. |
Knowledge |
3235 | Knowledge of deconfliction processes and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3253 | Knowledge of encryption algorithms and cyber capabilities/tools (e.g., SSL, PGP). |
Knowledge |
3259 | Knowledge of enterprise-wide information management. |
Knowledge |
3261 | Knowledge of evasion strategies and techniques. |
Knowledge |
3267 | Knowledge of deconfliction reporting to include external organization interaction. |
Knowledge |
3267A | Knowledge of internal and external partner reporting. |
Knowledge |
3270 | Knowledge of forensic implications of operating system structure and operations. |
Knowledge |
3286 | Knowledge of host-based security products and how they affect exploitation and vulnerability. |
Knowledge |
3317 | Knowledge of implementing Unix and Windows systems that provide radius authentication and logging, DNS, mail, web service, FTP server, DHCP, firewall, and SNMP. |
Knowledge |
3346 | Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols. |
Knowledge |
3374 | Knowledge of malware. |
Knowledge |
3378 | Knowledge of methods and techniques used to detect various exploitation activities. |
Knowledge |
3399 | Knowledge of network administration. |
Knowledge |
3402 | Knowledge of network construction and topology. |
Knowledge |
3441 | Knowledge of physical and logical network devices and infrastructure to include hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. |
Knowledge |
3454 | Knowledge of products and nomenclature of major vendors (e.g., security suites – Trend Micro, Symantec, McAfee, Outpost, Panda, Kaspersky) and how differences affect exploitation/vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3473 | Knowledge of satellite-based communication systems. |
Knowledge |
3479 | Knowledge of security hardware and software options, including the network artifacts they induce and their effects on exploitation. |
Knowledge |
3480 | Knowledge of security implications of software configurations. |
Knowledge |
3508 | Knowledge of structure, approach, and strategy of exploitation tools (e.g., sniffers, keyloggers) and techniques (e.g., gaining backdoor access, collecting/exfiltrating data, conducting vulnerability analysis of other systems in the network). |
Knowledge |
3513 | Knowledge of system administration concepts for Unix/Linux and/or Windows operating systems. |
Knowledge |
3525 | Knowledge of organizational and partner policies, tools, capabilities, and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3534 | Knowledge of target, including related current events, communication profile, actors, and history (language, culture) and/or frame of reference. |
Knowledge |
3543 | Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of modern communication networks. |
Knowledge |
3561 | Knowledge of the common networking and routing protocols(e.g. TCP/IP), services (e.g., web, mail, DNS), and how they interact to provide network communications. |
Knowledge |
3579 | Knowledge of the fundamentals of digital forensics in order to extract actionable intelligence. |
Knowledge |
3587 | Knowledge of targeting cycles. |
Knowledge |
3631 | Knowledge of internal and external partner organization capabilities and limitations (those with tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination responsibilities). |
Knowledge |
3637 | Knowledge of Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems structures and internals (e.g., process management, directory structure, installed applications). |
Knowledge |
3642 | Knowledge of various types of computer architectures. |
Knowledge |
3644 | Knowledge of virtual machine technologies. |
Knowledge |
3658B | Ability to perform network collection tactics, techniques, and procedures to include decryption capabilities/tools. |
Ability |
3658 | Knowledge of network collection procedures to include decryption capabilities/tools, techniques, and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3670 | Skill in analyzing terminal or environment collection data. |
Skill |
3690 | Skill in assessing current tools to identify needed improvements. |
Skill |
3695 | Skill in auditing firewalls, perimeters, routers, and intrusion detection systems. |
Skill |
3722 | Skill in data mining techniques (e.g., searching file systems) and analysis. |
Skill |
3740 | Skill in determining installed patches on various operating systems and identifying patch signatures. |
Skill |
3777 | Skill in reverse engineering (e.g., hex editing, binary packaging utilities, debugging, and strings analysis) to identify function and ownership of remote tools. |
Skill |
3779 | Skill in extracting information from packet captures. |
Skill |
3801 | Skill in identifying the devices that work at each level of protocol models. |
Skill |
3815 | Skill in interpreting vulnerability scanner results to identify vulnerabilities. |
Skill |
3817 | Skill in knowledge management, including technical documentation techniques (e.g., Wiki page). |
Skill |
3859 | Skill in reading, interpreting, writing, modifying, and executing simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and Unix systems (e.g., those that perform tasks like parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). |
Skill |
3859A | Ability to read, interpret, write, modify, and execute simple scripts (e.g. PERL, VBS) on Windows and Unix systems (e.g., those that perform tasks like parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). |
Ability |
3871 | Skill in remote command line and Graphic User Interface (GUI) tool usage. |
Skill |
3883 | Skill in server administration. |
Skill |
3897 | Skill in technical writing. |
Skill |
3899 | Skill in testing and evaluating tools for implementation. |
Skill |
3929 | Skill in using tools, techniques, and procedures to remotely exploit and establish persistence on a target. |
Skill |
3929A | Skill in using tools, techniques, and procedures to exploit a target. |
Skill |
3948 | Skill in verifying the integrity of all files. |
Skill |
4086 | Knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and policies. |
Knowledge |
4191 | Ability to apply tradecraft to minimize risk of detection, mitigate risk, and minimize creation of behavioral signature |
Ability |
4199 | Ability to characterize a target admin/user’s technical abilities, habits, and skills. |
Ability |
4204 | Ability to communicate operational plans and actions and provide feedback regarding OPSEC and tradecraft during mission pre-brief |
Ability |
4213 | Ability to conduct open source research. |
Ability |
4219 | Ability to construct a COA using available tools and techniques. |
Ability |
4222 | Ability to continually research and develop new tools/techniques |
Ability |
4229 | Ability to create rules and filters (e.g., Berkeley Packet Filter, Regular Expression). |
Ability |
4243 | Ability to ensure collected data is transferred to the appropriate storage locations. |
Ability |
4244 | Ability to enumerate a network. |
Ability |
4248 | Ability to enumerate user permissions and privileges. |
Ability |
4249 | Ability to evade or counter security products or host based defenses. |
Ability |
4261 | Ability to exploit vulnerabilities to gain additional access. |
Ability |
4263 | Ability to extract credentials from hosts |
Ability |
4271 | Ability to identify capability gaps (e.g., insufficient tools, training, or infrastructure) |
Ability |
4276 | Ability to identify files containing information critical to operational objectives. |
Ability |
4278 | Ability to identify legal, policy, and technical limitations when conducting cyberspace operations. |
Ability |
4279 | Ability to identify logging capabilities on host |
Ability |
4285 | Ability to identify what tools or Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) are applicable to a given situation |
Ability |
4292 | Ability to improve the performance of cyberspace operators by providing constructive (positive and negative) feedback. |
Ability |
4293 | Ability to install/modify/uninstall tools on target systems in accordance with current policies and procedures. |
Ability |
4296 | Ability to interpret device configurations. |
Ability |
4297 | Ability to interpret cyberspace technical materials and documentation (e.g. CVEs, API). |
Ability |
4298 | Ability to maintain situational awareness of target environment. |
Ability |
4305 | Ability to model a simulated environment to conduct mission rehearsal and mitigate risk of actions taken during operations. |
Ability |
4308 | Ability to operate automated systems to interact with target environment. |
Ability |
4324 | Ability to perform masquerade operations. |
Ability |
4325 | Ability to perform privilege escalation. |
Ability |
4327 | Ability to persist access to a target. |
Ability |
4330 | Ability to plan, brief, execute, and debrief a mission. |
Ability |
4334 | Ability to promote and enable organizational change. |
Ability |
4335 | Ability to provide advice and guidance to various stakeholders regarding technical issues, capabilities, and approaches. |
Ability |
4336 | Ability to provide feedback to developers if a tool requires continued development. |
Ability |
4340 | Ability to provide technical leadership within an organization. |
Ability |
4341 | Ability to read, write, modify, and execute compiled languages (e.g., C). |
Ability |
4342 | Ability to extract specific information from large data set (e.g., grep, regex critical). |
Ability |
4343 | Ability to recognize and report mistakes or poor tradecraft to appropriate leadership in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). |
Ability |
4344 | Ability to recognize and respond appropriately to Non-Standard Events. |
Ability |
4345 | Ability to redirect and tunnel through target systems. |
Ability |
4346 | Ability to remediate indicators of compromise. |
Ability |
4347 | Ability to research non-standards within a project. |
Ability |
4350 | Ability to retrieve historical operational data. |
Ability |
4359 | Ability to train other cyberspace operators. |
Ability |
4361 | Ability to troubleshoot technical problems. |
Ability |
4367 | Ability to use core toolset (e.g., implants, remote access tools). |
Ability |
4369 | Ability to use dynamic analysis tools (e.g. process monitor, process explorer, and registry analysis) |
Ability |
4370 | Ability to use enterprise tools to enumerate target information. |
Ability |
4378 | Ability to verify file integrity for both uploads and downloads. |
Ability |
4379 | Ability to weaken a target to facilitate/enable future access. |
Ability |
4380 | Ability to write and modify markup languages (e.g., HTML, XML). |
Ability |
4381 | Ability to write and modify source code (e.g., C). |
Ability |
4388 | Knowledge of access control models (Role Based Access Control, Attribute Based Access Control). |
Knowledge |
4391 | Knowledge of advanced redirection techniques. |
Knowledge |
4393 | Knowledge of appropriate/inappropriate information to include in operational documentation (e.g., OPNOTES, technical summaries, action maps, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4395 | Knowledge of basic client software applications and their attack surfaces. |
Knowledge |
4396 | Knowledge of basic cloud-based technologies and concepts. |
Knowledge |
4399 | Knowledge of basic Embedded Systems concepts. |
Knowledge |
4402 | Knowledge of basic redirection techniques (e.g. IP Tables, SSH Tunneling, netsh) |
Knowledge |
4403 | Knowledge of basic server software applications and their attack surfaces. |
Knowledge |
4404 | Knowledge of code injection and its employment in cyberspace operations. |
Knowledge |
4414 | Knowledge of common network administration best practices and the impact to operations. |
Knowledge |
4419 | Knowledge of credential sources and restrictions related to credential usage. |
Knowledge |
4437 | Knowledge of device reboots, including when they occur and their impact on tool functionality. |
Knowledge |
4444 | Knowledge of evolving technologies. |
Knowledge |
4447 | Knowledge of factors that would suspend or abort an operation. |
Knowledge |
4458 | Knowledge of historical data relating to particular targets and projects, prior to an operation to include reviewing TECHSUMs, previous OPNOTEs, etc. |
Knowledge |
4463 | Knowledge of how computer programs are executed |
Knowledge |
4464 | Knowledge of how host-based security products, logging, and malware may affect tool functionality |
Knowledge |
4465 | Knowledge of how other actors may affect operations |
Knowledge |
4466 | Knowledge of how race conditions occur and can be employed to compromise shared resources |
Knowledge |
4482 | Knowledge of malware triage. |
Knowledge |
4485 | Knowledge of methods and procedures for sending a payload via an existing implant |
Knowledge |
4486 | Knowledge of methods, strategies, and techniques of evading detection while conducting operations, such as noise, stealth, situational awareness, etc. |
Knowledge |
4487 | Knowledge of methods, tools, and procedures for collecting information, including accessing databases and file systems |
Knowledge |
4488 | Knowledge of methods, tools, and procedures for exploiting target systems |
Knowledge |
4489 | Knowledge of methods, tools, and techniques used to determine the path to a target host/network (e.g., identify satellite hops). |
Knowledge |
4496 | Knowledge of models for examining cyber threats (e.g. cyber kill chain, MITRE ATT&CK). |
Knowledge |
4498 | Knowledge of modes of communication used by a target, such as cable, fiber optic, satellite, microwave, VSAT, or combinations of these. |
Knowledge |
4502 | Knowledge of open source tactics that enable initial access (e.g. social engineering, phishing) |
Knowledge |
4503 | Knowledge of operating system command shells, configuration data. |
Knowledge |
4505 | Knowledge of operational infrastructure |
Knowledge |
4508 | Knowledge of operational security, logging, admin concepts, and troubleshooting. |
Knowledge |
4510 | Knowledge of password cracking techniques. |
Knowledge |
4519 | Knowledge of process migration |
Knowledge |
4540 | Knowledge of system administration concepts for distributed or managed operating environments. |
Knowledge |
4541 | Knowledge of system administration concepts for stand alone operating systems. |
Knowledge |
4542 | Knowledge of system calls |
Knowledge |
4552 | Knowledge of the components of an authentication system. |
Knowledge |
4553 | Knowledge of the concept of an advanced persistent threat (APT) |
Knowledge |
4563 | Knowledge of the location and use of tool documentation. |
Knowledge |
4564 | Knowledge of the methods and procedures for communicating with tools/modules, including the use of listening posts. |
Knowledge |
4565 | Knowledge of the methods of persistence. |
Knowledge |
4567 | Knowledge of the Mission Improvement Process |
Knowledge |
4571 | Knowledge of the Plan, Brief, Execute, and Debrief process |
Knowledge |
4581 | Knowledge of the tactics development process |
Knowledge |
4586 | Knowledge of threats to OPSEC when installing, using, modifying, and uninstalling tools. |
Knowledge |
4587 | Knowledge of tool release/testing process |
Knowledge |
4593 | Knowledge of VPNs, their purpose, and how they can be leveraged. |
Knowledge |
4628 | Skill in enumerating a host (e.g. file systems, host meta data host characteristics). |
Skill |
4641 | Skill in manipulating firewall/host based security configuration and rulesets. |
Skill |
4663 | Skill in retrieving memory resident data. |
Skill |
4670 | Skill in transferring files to target devices (e.g., scp, tftp, http, ftp). |
Skill |
4674 | Skill in using network enumeration and analysis tools, both active and passive. |
Skill |
6100 | Ability to develop policy, plans, and strategy in compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and standards in support of organizational cyber activities. |
Ability |
8001 | Advise leadership on operational tradecraft, emerging technology, and technical health of the force. |
Task |
8015 | Approve remediation actions. |
Task |
8017 | As authorized, train cyberspace operators at one’s certification level or below. |
Task |
8020 | Assess the technical health of the cyberspace operator work role. |
Task |
8021 | Assess, recommend, and evaluate remediation actions. |
Task |
8030 | Conduct cyber activities to deny, degrade, disrupt, destroy, manipulate, (D4M). |
Task |
8037 | Conduct post-mission actions. |
Task |
8039 | Conduct pre-mission actions |
Task |
8040 | Conduct pre-operation research and prep. |
Task |
8052 | Create/normalize/document/evaluate TTPs in cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8067 | Develop and/or inform risk assessments. |
Task |
8071 | Develop Operational Training Solultions. |
Task |
8073 | Develop remediation actions. |
Task |
8074 | Develop risk assessments for non-standard events and ad hoc tradecraft. |
Task |
8083 | Employ collection TTPs in cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8084 | Employ credential access TTPs in cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8086 | Employ discovery TTPs in cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8087 | Employ exfiltration TTPs in cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8088 | Employ lateral movement TTPs in cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8089 | Employ TTPs in categories at one’s certification level or below. |
Task |
8097 | Evaluate cyberspace operator performance at one’s certification level or below. |
Task |
8112 | Identify targets of opportunity in order to influence operational planning. |
Task |
8113 | Identify the appropriate operating authorities and guidance |
Task |
8130 | Maintain operational and technical situational awareness during operations |
Task |
8158 | Produce strategy to inform commander’s decision making process. |
Task |
8167 | Provide input to mission debrief. |
Task |
8168 | Provide input to operational policy. |
Task |
8169 | Provide input to post mission planning. |
Task |
8170 | Provide input to pre-mission planning. |
Task |
8181 | Recognize and respond to indicators of compromise (IOC). |
Task |
8183 | Recognize and respond to events that change risk. |
Task |
8184 | Record and document activities during cyberspace operations. |
Task |
8192 | Steward the cyberspace operator work role. |
Task |
8197 | Train cyberspace operators at their certified level or below. |
Task |
The DNEA analyzes intercepted intelligence information for metadata and content. They use this data to reconstruct and document target networks to judge the intelligence value and maintain target continuity. DNEAs understand and analyze target implementation of communication technologies and digital network systems. They discover methods and suggest strategies to exploit specific target networks, computer systems, or specific hardware and/or software.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
244 | Ability to determine the validity of technology trend data. |
Ability |
282 | Knowledge of emerging computer-based technology that has potential for exploitation by adversaries. |
Knowledge |
321A | Knowledge of industry technologies and how differences affect exploitation/vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
912 | Knowledge of collection management processes, capabilities, and limitations. |
Knowledge |
915 | Knowledge of front-end collection systems, including traffic collection, filtering, and selection. |
Knowledge |
959 | Analyze identified malicious activity to determine weaknesses exploited, exploitation methods, effects on system and information. |
Task |
1056 | Knowledge of operations security. |
Knowledge |
1107 | Identify and analyze anomalies in network traffic using metadata (e.g., CENTAUR). |
Task |
1112 | Reconstruct a malicious attack or activity based off network traffic. |
Task |
2001 | Accurately characterize targets. |
Task |
2059 | Provide expertise to course of action development. |
Task |
2066 | Provide expertise to the development of measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. |
Task |
2072 | Perform analysis for target infrastructure exploitation activities. |
Task |
2081 | Classify documents in accordance with classification guidelines. |
Task |
2087 | Collaborate with intelligence analysts/targeting organizations involved in related areas. |
Task |
2099 | Compile, integrate, and/or interpret all-source data for intelligence or vulnerability value with respect to specific targets. |
Task |
2101 | Identify and conduct analysis of target communications to identify information essential to support operations. |
Task |
2102 | Conduct analysis of physical and logical digital technologies (e.g., wireless, SCADA, telecom) to identify potential avenues of access. |
Task |
2127 | Conduct quality control in order to determine validity and relevance of information gathered about networks. |
Task |
2134 | Conduct target research and analysis. |
Task |
2194 | Create comprehensive exploitation strategies that identify exploitable technical or operational vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2195 | Maintain awareness of internal and external cyber organization structures, strengths, and employments of staffing and technology. |
Task |
2235 | Determine how identified factors affect the tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination architecture’s form and function. |
Task |
2236 | Determine if information meets reporting requirements. |
Task |
2243 | Determine what technologies are used by a given target. |
Task |
2251 | Apply analytic techniques to gain more target information. |
Task |
2289 | Develop measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. |
Task |
2356 | Engage customers to understand customers’ intelligence needs and wants. |
Task |
2373 | Establish alternative processing, exploitation and dissemination pathways to address identified issues or problems. |
Task |
2393 | Generate and evaluate the effectiveness of network analysis strategies. |
Task |
2400 | Examine intercept-related metadata and content with an understanding of targeting significance. |
Task |
2427 | Gather information about networks through traditional and alternative techniques, (e.g., social network analysis, call-chaining, traffic analysis.) |
Task |
2429 | Generate requests for information. |
Task |
2434 | Identify threat tactics, and methodologies. |
Task |
2441 | Identify and evaluate threat critical capabilities, requirements, and vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2453 | Identify collection gaps and potential collection strategies against targets. |
Task |
2458 | Identify critical target elements. |
Task |
2459 | Identify intelligence gaps and shortfalls. |
Task |
2469 | Identify network components and their functionality to enable analysis and target development. |
Task |
2515 | Initiate requests to guide tasking and assist with collection management. |
Task |
2542 | Maintain awareness of advancements in hardware and software technologies (e.g., attend training or conferences, reading) and their potential implications. |
Task |
2568 | Make recommendations to guide collection in support of customer requirements. |
Task |
2608 | Monitor target networks to provide indications and warning of target communications changes or processing failures. |
Task |
2621 | Provide SME and support to planning/developmental forums and working groups as appropriate. |
Task |
2628A | Provide subject matter expertise to development of exercises. |
Task |
2628 | Participate in exercises. |
Task |
2639 | Perform content and/or metadata analysis to meet organization objectives. |
Task |
2714 | Produce network reconstructions. |
Task |
2719 | Profile targets and their activities. |
Task |
2770 | Provide time sensitive targeting support. |
Task |
2779 | Review appropriate information sources to determine validity and relevance of information gathered. |
Task |
2781 | Reconstruct networks in diagram or report format. |
Task |
2798 | Research communications trends in emerging technologies (in computer and telephony networks, satellite, cable, and wireless) in both open and classified sources. |
Task |
2818 | Sanitize and minimize information to protect sources and methods. |
Task |
2840 | Support identification and documentation of collateral effects. |
Task |
2894 | Collaborate across internal and/or external organizational lines to enhance collection, analysis and dissemination. |
Task |
2897 | Conduct analysis of target communications to identify essential information in support of organization objectives. |
Task |
2902 | Evaluate and interpret metadata to look for patterns, anomalies, or events, thereby optimizing targeting, analysis and processing. |
Task |
2905 | Identify target communications within the global network. |
Task |
2906 | Maintain awareness of target communication tools, techniques, and the characteristics of target communication networks (e.g., capacity, functionality, paths, critical nodes) and their potential implications for targeting, collection, and analysis. |
Task |
2909 | Provide feedback to collection managers to enhance future collection and analysis. |
Task |
2912 | Perform or support technical network analysis and mapping. |
Task |
2919 | Perform social network analysis and document as appropriate. |
Task |
2922 | Tip critical or time-sensitive information to appropriate customers. |
Task |
3001 | Ability to accurately and completely source all data used in intelligence, assessment and/or planning products. |
Ability |
3002 | Ability to focus research efforts to meet the customer’s decision-making needs. |
Ability |
3020 | Ability to clearly articulate intelligence requirements into well-formulated research questions and requests for information. |
Ability |
3021 | Ability to collaborate effectively with others. |
Ability |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3039 | Ability to develop or recommend analytic approaches or solutions to problems and situations for which information is incomplete or for which no precedent exists. |
Ability |
3043 | Ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize large quantities of data (which may be fragmented and contradictory) into high quality, fused targeting/intelligence products. |
Ability |
3044 | Ability to exercise judgment when policies are not well-defined. |
Ability |
3047 | Ability to function effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. |
Ability |
3048 | Ability to function in a collaborative environment, seeking continuous consultation with other analysts and experts—both internal and external to the organization—in order to leverage analytical and technical expertise. |
Ability |
3052 | Ability to identify intelligence gaps. |
Ability |
3073 | Ability to recognize and mitigate cognitive biases which may affect analysis. |
Ability |
3074 | Ability to recognize and mitigate deception in reporting and analysis. |
Ability |
3077 | Ability to think critically. |
Ability |
3078 | Knowledge of target methods and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3081 | Ability to utilize multiple intelligence sources across all intelligence disciplines. |
Ability |
3095 | Knowledge of internet network addressing (IP addresses, classless inter-domain routing, TCP/UDP port numbering). |
Knowledge |
3106 | Knowledge of a wide range of basic communications media concepts and terminology (e.g., computer and telephone networks, satellite, cable, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3113 | Knowledge of target intelligence gathering and operational preparation techniques and life cycles. |
Knowledge |
3129 | Knowledge of attack methods and techniques (DDoS, brute force, spoofing, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3137 | Knowledge of basic malicious activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration). |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3154 | Knowledge of classification and control markings standards, policies and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3158 | Knowledge of cyber operation objectives, policies, and legalities. |
Knowledge |
3166 | Knowledge of collection searching/analyzing techniques and tools for chat/buddy list, emerging technologies, VOIP, Media Over IP, VPN, VSAT/wireless, web mail and cookies. |
Knowledge |
3172 | Knowledge of collection sources including conventional and non-conventional sources. |
Knowledge |
3174 | Knowledge of the intelligence requirements development and request for information processes. |
Knowledge |
3179 | Knowledge of common networking devices and their configurations. |
Knowledge |
3181 | Knowledge of common reporting databases and tools. |
Knowledge |
3219 | Knowledge of cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3237 | Knowledge of denial and deception techniques. |
Knowledge |
3242 | Knowledge of document classification procedures, policy, resources, and personnel. |
Knowledge |
3262 | Knowledge of evolving/emerging communications technologies. |
Knowledge |
3277 | Knowledge of general SCADA system components. |
Knowledge |
3288 | Knowledge of how converged technologies impact cyber operations (e.g., digital, telephony, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3291 | Knowledge of how internet applications work (SMTP email, web-based email, chat clients, VOIP). |
Knowledge |
3292 | Knowledge of how modern digital and telephony networks impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3293 | Knowledge of how modern wireless communications systems impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3296 | Knowledge of how to collect, view, and identify essential information on targets of interest from metadata (e.g., email, http). |
Knowledge |
3298 | Knowledge of how to extract, analyze, and use metadata. |
Knowledge |
3324 | Knowledge of information and collateral intelligence sources. |
Knowledge |
3338 | Knowledge of intelligence reporting principles, policies, procedures, and vehicles, including report formats, reportability criteria (requirements and priorities), dissemination practices, and legal authorities and restrictions. |
Knowledge |
3346 | Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols. |
Knowledge |
3348 | Knowledge of intrusion detection systems and signature development. |
Knowledge |
3372 | Knowledge of malware analysis and characteristics. |
Knowledge |
3382 | Knowledge of methods to integrate and summarize information from any potential sources. |
Knowledge |
3386 | Knowledge of midpoint collection (process, objectives, organization, targets, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3407 | Knowledge of network security (e.g., encryption, firewalls, authentication, honey pots, perimeter protection). |
Knowledge |
3418 | Knowledge of organization and/or partner collection systems, capabilities, and processes (e.g., collection and protocol processors). |
Knowledge |
3441 | Knowledge of physical and logical network devices and infrastructure to include hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. |
Knowledge |
3450 | Knowledge of principles and practices related to target development such as target knowledge, associations, communication systems, and infrastructure. |
Knowledge |
3505 | Knowledge of strategies and tools for target research. |
Knowledge |
3534 | Knowledge of target, including related current events, communication profile, actors, and history (language, culture) and/or frame of reference. |
Knowledge |
3542 | Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of converged applications. |
Knowledge |
3564 | Knowledge of the data flow from collection origin to repositories and tools. |
Knowledge |
3582 | Knowledge of the intelligence frameworks, processes, and related systems. |
Knowledge |
3595 | Knowledge of the organization, roles and responsibilities of higher, lower and adjacent sub-elements. |
Knowledge |
3603 | Knowledge of the principal methods, procedures, and techniques of gathering information and producing intelligence. |
Knowledge |
3608 | Knowledge of the purpose and contribution of target templates. |
Knowledge |
3616 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern digital and telephony networks. |
Knowledge |
3617 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern wireless communications systems. |
Knowledge |
3627 | Knowledge of cryptologic capabilities, limitations, and contributions to cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3637 | Knowledge of Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems structures and internals (e.g., process management, directory structure, installed applications). |
Knowledge |
3664 | Skill in identifying how a target communicates. |
Skill |
3667 | Skill in analyzing a target’s communication networks. |
Skill |
3671 | Skill in analyzing essential network data (e.g., router configuration files, routing protocols). |
Skill |
3678 | Skill in analyzing traffic to identify network devices. |
Skill |
3689 | Skill in applying various analytical methods, tools, and techniques (e.g., competing hypotheses; chain of reasoning; scenario methods; denial and deception detection; high impact-low probability; network/association or link analysis; Bayesian, Delphi, and Pattern analyses). |
Skill |
3692 | Skill in assessing the applicability of available analytical tools to various situations. |
Skill |
3708 | Skill in conducting social network analysis, buddy list analysis, and/or cookie analysis. |
Skill |
3726 | Skill in depicting source or collateral data on a network map. |
Skill |
3742 | Skill in determining the physical location of network devices. |
Skill |
3765 | Skill in disseminating items of highest intelligence value in a timely manner. |
Skill |
3771 | Skill in evaluating data sources for relevance, reliability, and objectivity. |
Skill |
3772 | Skill in evaluating information for reliability, validity, and relevance. |
Skill |
3773 | Skill in evaluating information to recognize relevance, priority, etc. |
Skill |
3774 | Skill in evaluating accesses for intelligence value. |
Skill |
3778 | Skill in exploiting/querying organizational and/or partner collection databases. |
Skill |
3787 | Skill in identifying a target’s communications networks. |
Skill |
3797 | Skill in identifying leads for target development. |
Skill |
3803 | Skill in identifying, locating, and tracking targets via geospatial analysis techniques |
Skill |
3810 | Skill in interpreting compiled and interpretive programming languages. |
Skill |
3812 | Skill in interpreting metadata and content as applied by collection systems. |
Skill |
3814 | Skill in using trace route tools and interpreting the results as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. |
Skill |
3822 | Skill in managing client relationships, including determining client needs/requirements, managing client expectations, and demonstrating commitment to delivering quality results. |
Skill |
3828 | Skill in navigating network visualization software. |
Skill |
3860 | Skill in recognizing and interpreting malicious network activity in traffic. |
Skill |
3864 | Skill in recognizing relevance of information. |
Skill |
3865 | Skill in recognizing significant changes in a target’s communication patterns. |
Skill |
3866 | Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for leads for metadata analysis. |
Skill |
3867A | Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for target development including intelligence development. |
Skill |
3873 | Skill in researching essential information. |
Skill |
3874 | Skill in researching vulnerabilities and exploits utilized in traffic. |
Skill |
3885 | Skill in fusion analysis |
Skill |
3889 | Skill in survey, collection, and analysis of wireless LAN metadata. |
Skill |
3890 | Skill in synthesizing, analyzing, and prioritizing meaning across data sets. |
Skill |
3895 | Skill in target network anomaly identification (e.g., intrusions, dataflow or processing, target implementation of new technologies). |
Skill |
3908 | Skill in using research methods including multiple, different sources to reconstruct a target network. |
Skill |
3915 | Skill in using geospatial data and applying geospatial resources. |
Skill |
3923 | Skill in using non-attributable networks. |
Skill |
3951 | Skill in writing about facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner. |
Skill |
4072 | Knowledge of collection systems, capabilities, and processes. |
Knowledge |
4073 | Knowledge of the feedback cycle in collection processes. |
Knowledge |
4078 | Knowledge of target or threat cyber actors and procedures. |
Knowledge |
4079 | Knowledge of basic cyber operations activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration, penetration testing, white/black listing). |
Knowledge |
4085 | Knowledge of approved intelligence dissemination processes. |
Knowledge |
4086 | Knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and policies. |
Knowledge |
4088 | Knowledge of target communication profiles and their key elements (e.g., target associations, activities, communication infrastructure). |
Knowledge |
4089 | Knowledge of target communication tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4090 | Knowledge of the characteristics of targeted communication networks (e.g., capacity, functionality, paths, critical nodes). |
Knowledge |
4094 | Knowledge of networking and internet communications fundamentals (i.e. devices, device configuration, hardware, software, applications, ports/protocols, addressing, network architecture and infrastructure, routing, operating systems, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4095 | Knowledge of concepts related to websites (e.g., web servers/pages, hosting, DNS, registration, web languages such as HTML). |
Knowledge |
4097 | Knowledge of network security implementations (e.g., host-based IDS, IPS, access control lists), including their function and placement in a network. |
Knowledge |
4099 | Knowledge of customer information needs. |
Knowledge |
4106 | Knowledge of analytic tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4118 | Skill in identifying a target’s network characteristics. |
Skill |
4121 | Skill in assessing a target’s frame of reference (e.g., motivation, technical capability, organizational structure, sensitivities). |
Skill |
4123 | Skill in conducting research using all available sources. |
Skill |
4125 | Skill in complying with the legal restrictions for targeted information. |
Skill |
4128 | Skill in developing intelligence reports. |
Skill |
4129 | Skill in evaluating and interpreting metadata. |
Skill |
4134 | Skill in identifying intelligence gaps and limitations. |
Skill |
4141 | Skill in providing analysis on target-related matters (e.g., language, cultural, communications). |
Skill |
4160 | Skill in interpreting traceroute results, as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. |
Skill |
4165 | Knowledge of obfuscation techniques (e.g., TOR/Onion/anonymizers, VPN/VPS, encryption). |
Knowledge |
4166 | Knowledge of computer programming concepts, including computer languages, programming, testing, debugging, and file types. |
Knowledge |
4396 | Knowledge of basic cloud-based technologies and concepts. |
Knowledge |
4399 | Knowledge of basic Embedded Systems concepts. |
Knowledge |
4401 | Knowledge of basic reconnaissance activity concepts and techniques (foot printing, scanning and enumeration). |
Knowledge |
4420 | Knowledge of Critical Intelligence Communication (CRITIC) identification and reporting process. |
Knowledge |
4423 | Knowledge of cryptologic and SIGINT reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
4428 | Knowledge of cybersecurity concepts and principles. |
Knowledge |
4431 | Knowledge of data communications terminology (e.g., networking protocols, Ethernet, IP, encryption, optical devices, removable media). |
Knowledge |
4460 | Knowledge of how and when to request assistance from the Cryptanalysis and Signals Analysis and/or CNO. |
Knowledge |
4470 | Knowledge of intelligence sources and their characteristics. |
Knowledge |
4490 | Knowledge of methods, tools, sources, and techniques used to research, integrate and summarize all-source information pertaining to target. |
Knowledge |
4523 | Knowledge of quality review process and procedures. |
Knowledge |
4533 | Knowledge of SIGINT laws and directives. |
Knowledge |
4539 | Knowledge of structured response frameworks (e.g. MITRE ATT&CK, Lockheed Martin Kill Chain, Diamond Model). |
Knowledge |
4570 | Knowledge of the overall mission of the Cyber Mission Forces (CMF). |
Knowledge |
4578 | Knowledge of the specific missions for CMF (i.e., Cyber Mission Teams (CMT), National Mission Teams (NMT), Combat Support Team (CST), National Support Team (NST), Cyber Protection Team (CPT). |
Knowledge |
4582 | Knowledge of the U.S. SIGNIT System (USSS) authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to the cyberspace operations mission. |
Knowledge |
4601 | Skill in analyzing endpoint collection data. |
Skill |
4620 | Skill in developing and maintaining target profiles. |
Skill |
4631 | Skill in geolocating targets. |
Skill |
4643 | Skill in operational use of raw collection databases. |
Skill |
4645 | Skill in performing data fusion from all-source intelligence for geospatial analysis. |
Skill |
4646 | Skill in performing data fusion from all-source intelligence for network analysis and reconstruction (e.g., Single Table Inheritance (STIs), network maps). |
Skill |
4647 | Skill in performing data fusion from all-source intelligence. |
Skill |
4651 | Skill in providing feedback to enhance future collection and analysis. |
Skill |
4656 | Skill in recognizing exploitation opportunities. |
Skill |
4659 | Skill in recognizing the value of survey data. |
Skill |
4667 | Skill in selector normalization. |
Skill |
4669 | Skill in targeting (e.g., selectors). |
Skill |
8011 | Apply and/or develop analytic techniques to provide better intelligence. |
Task |
8013 | Apply customer requirements to the analysis process. |
Task |
8023 | Assist planners in the development of courses of action |
Task |
8063 | Develop analytical techniques to gain more target information. |
Task |
8064 | Develop and lead exercises |
Task |
8065 | Develop and maintain target profiles using appropriate corporate tools and databases (e.g. Target associations, activities, communication infrastructures, etc.). |
Task |
8081 | Document and disseminate analytic findings. |
Task |
8090 | Enable targeting offices to find new sources of collection. |
Task |
8100 | Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the intelligence source. |
Task |
8101 | Evaluate threat critical capabilities, requirements, and vulnerabilities. |
Task |
8102 | Facilitate collaboration with customers, Intelligence and targeting organizations involved in related cyber areas. |
Task |
8108 | Identify and facilitate partner relationships to enhance mission capabilities |
Task |
8128 | Lead work role working groups/planning and development forums |
Task |
8137 | Manipulate information in mission relevant databases (e.g., converting data, generating reports). |
Task |
8138 | Mitigate collection gaps |
Task |
8145 | Perform network analysis to support new or continued collection. |
Task |
8157 | Produce digital network intelligence against specific named target sets. |
Task |
8164 | Provide expertise in support of operational effects generated through cyber activities. |
Task |
8173 | Provide intel target recommendations which meet leadership objectives. |
Task |
8191 | Select, build, and develop query strategies against appropriate collection databases. |
Task |
8205 | Understand technologies used by a given target |
Task |
8206 | Understand TTPs and methodologies to enable access ops or access vector opportunities. |
Task |
Collaborates to identify access and collection gaps that can be satisfied through cyber collection and/or preparation activities. Leverages all authorized resources and analytic techniques to penetrate targeted networks.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
102 | Knowledge of programming language structures and logic. |
Knowledge |
230 | Skill in using knowledge management technologies. |
Skill |
345 | Knowledge of web mail collection, searching/analyzing techniques, tools, and cookies. |
Knowledge |
363 | Skill in identifying gaps in technical capabilities. |
Skill |
912 | Knowledge of collection management processes, capabilities, and limitations. |
Knowledge |
915 | Knowledge of front-end collection systems, including traffic collection, filtering, and selection. |
Knowledge |
1032 | Continuously validate the organization against policies/guidelines/procedures/regulations/laws to ensure compliance. |
Task |
2029A | Apply and utilize authorized cyber capabilities to enable access to targeted networks. |
Task |
2033 | Apply cyber collection, environment preparation and engagement expertise to enable new exploitation and/or continued collection operations, or in support of customer requirements. |
Task |
2040 | Apply and obey applicable statutes, laws, regulations and policies. |
Task |
2063 | Assist in the coordination, validation, and management of all-source collection requirements, plans, and/or activities. |
Task |
2072 | Perform analysis for target infrastructure exploitation activities. |
Task |
2087 | Collaborate with intelligence analysts/targeting organizations involved in related areas. |
Task |
2090 | Collaborate with other internal and external partner organizations on target access and operational issues. |
Task |
2095 | Communicate new developments, breakthroughs, challenges and lessons learned to leadership, and internal and external customers. |
Task |
2102 | Conduct analysis of physical and logical digital technologies (e.g., wireless, SCADA, telecom) to identify potential avenues of access. |
Task |
2114 | Conduct independent in-depth target and technical analysis including target-specific information (e.g., cultural, organizational, political) that results in access. |
Task |
2134 | Conduct target research and analysis. |
Task |
2194 | Create comprehensive exploitation strategies that identify exploitable technical or operational vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2400 | Examine intercept-related metadata and content with an understanding of targeting significance. |
Task |
2419 | Collaborate with developers, conveying target and technical knowledge in tool requirements submissions, to enhance tool development. |
Task |
2441 | Identify and evaluate threat critical capabilities, requirements, and vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2461 | Identify gaps in our understanding of target technology and developing innovative collection approaches. |
Task |
2490 | Identify, locate, and track targets via geospatial analysis techniques. |
Task |
2534 | Lead or enable exploitation operations in support of organization objectives and target requirements. |
Task |
2542 | Maintain awareness of advancements in hardware and software technologies (e.g., attend training or conferences, reading) and their potential implications. |
Task |
2608 | Monitor target networks to provide indications and warning of target communications changes or processing failures. |
Task |
2714 | Produce network reconstructions. |
Task |
2718 | Profile network or system administrators and their activities. |
Task |
2922 | Tip critical or time-sensitive information to appropriate customers. |
Task |
3001 | Ability to accurately and completely source all data used in intelligence, assessment and/or planning products. |
Ability |
3021 | Ability to collaborate effectively with others. |
Ability |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3024 | Ability to communicate effectively when writing. |
Ability |
3039 | Ability to develop or recommend analytic approaches or solutions to problems and situations for which information is incomplete or for which no precedent exists. |
Ability |
3043 | Ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize large quantities of data (which may be fragmented and contradictory) into high quality, fused targeting/intelligence products. |
Ability |
3047 | Ability to function effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. |
Ability |
3055A | Ability to select the appropriate implant to achieve operational goals. |
Ability |
3055B | Knowledge of basic implants. |
Knowledge |
3059 | Ability to interpret and translate customer requirements into operational action. |
Ability |
3095 | Knowledge of internet network addressing (IP addresses, classless inter-domain routing, TCP/UDP port numbering). |
Knowledge |
3101 | Ability to expand network access by conducting target analysis and collection in order to identify targets of interest. |
Ability |
3106 | Knowledge of a wide range of basic communications media concepts and terminology (e.g., computer and telephone networks, satellite, cable, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3107 | Knowledge of a wide range of concepts associated with websites (e.g., website types, administration, functions, software systems, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3113 | Knowledge of target intelligence gathering and operational preparation techniques and life cycles. |
Knowledge |
3129 | Knowledge of attack methods and techniques (DDoS, brute force, spoofing, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3137 | Knowledge of basic malicious activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration). |
Knowledge |
3139 | Knowledge of basic principles of the collection development processes (e.g., Dialed Number Recognition, Social Network Analysis). |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3155 | Knowledge of client organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3166 | Knowledge of collection searching/analyzing techniques and tools for chat/buddy list, emerging technologies, VOIP, Media Over IP, VPN, VSAT/wireless, web mail and cookies. |
Knowledge |
3179 | Knowledge of common networking devices and their configurations. |
Knowledge |
3181 | Knowledge of common reporting databases and tools. |
Knowledge |
3191 | Knowledge of concepts for operating systems (e.g., Linux, Unix). |
Knowledge |
3201 | Knowledge of all relevant reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
3206 | Knowledge of current software and methodologies for active defense and system hardening. |
Knowledge |
3225 | Knowledge of data communications terminology (e.g., networking protocols, Ethernet, IP, encryption, optical devices, removable media). |
Knowledge |
3226 | Knowledge of data flow process for terminal or environment collection. |
Knowledge |
3235 | Knowledge of deconfliction processes and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3253 | Knowledge of encryption algorithms and cyber capabilities/tools (e.g., SSL, PGP). |
Knowledge |
3256 | Knowledge of terminal or environmental collection (process, objectives, organization, targets, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3261 | Knowledge of evasion strategies and techniques. |
Knowledge |
3289 | Knowledge of how hubs, switches, routers work together in the design of a network. |
Knowledge |
3291 | Knowledge of how internet applications work (SMTP email, web-based email, chat clients, VOIP). |
Knowledge |
3296 | Knowledge of how to collect, view, and identify essential information on targets of interest from metadata (e.g., email, http). |
Knowledge |
3297 | Knowledge of how to establish priorities for resources. |
Knowledge |
3317 | Knowledge of implementing Unix and Windows systems that provide radius authentication and logging, DNS, mail, web service, FTP server, DHCP, firewall, and SNMP. |
Knowledge |
3346 | Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols. |
Knowledge |
3349 | Knowledge of intrusion sets. |
Knowledge |
3367 | Knowledge of all applicable statutes, laws, regulations and policies governing cyber targeting and exploitation. |
Knowledge |
3378 | Knowledge of methods and techniques used to detect various exploitation activities. |
Knowledge |
3386 | Knowledge of midpoint collection (process, objectives, organization, targets, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3407 | Knowledge of network security (e.g., encryption, firewalls, authentication, honey pots, perimeter protection). |
Knowledge |
3410 | Knowledge of network topology. |
Knowledge |
3432 | Knowledge of identification and reporting processes. |
Knowledge |
3454 | Knowledge of products and nomenclature of major vendors (e.g., security suites – Trend Micro, Symantec, McAfee, Outpost, Panda, Kaspersky) and how differences affect exploitation/vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3474 | Knowledge of scripting |
Knowledge |
3479 | Knowledge of security hardware and software options, including the network artifacts they induce and their effects on exploitation. |
Knowledge |
3480 | Knowledge of security implications of software configurations. |
Knowledge |
3505 | Knowledge of strategies and tools for target research. |
Knowledge |
3513 | Knowledge of system administration concepts for Unix/Linux and/or Windows operating systems. |
Knowledge |
3525 | Knowledge of organizational and partner policies, tools, capabilities, and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3542 | Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of converged applications. |
Knowledge |
3564 | Knowledge of the data flow from collection origin to repositories and tools. |
Knowledge |
3587 | Knowledge of targeting cycles. |
Knowledge |
3622 | Knowledge of organizational and partner authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to achieving objectives. |
Knowledge |
3637 | Knowledge of Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems structures and internals (e.g., process management, directory structure, installed applications). |
Knowledge |
3658 | Knowledge of network collection procedures to include decryption capabilities/tools, techniques, and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3678 | Skill in analyzing traffic to identify network devices. |
Skill |
3715 | Skill in creating and extracting important information from packet captures. |
Skill |
3718A | Skill in creating collection requirements in support of data acquisition activities. |
Skill |
3718 | Skill in creating plans in support of remote operations. |
Skill |
3722 | Skill in data mining techniques (e.g., searching file systems) and analysis. |
Skill |
3726 | Skill in depicting source or collateral data on a network map. |
Skill |
3740 | Skill in determining installed patches on various operating systems and identifying patch signatures. |
Skill |
3741 | Skill in determining the effect of various router and firewall configurations on traffic patterns and network performance in both LAN and WAN environments. |
Skill |
3774 | Skill in evaluating accesses for intelligence value. |
Skill |
3778 | Skill in exploiting/querying organizational and/or partner collection databases. |
Skill |
3801 | Skill in identifying the devices that work at each level of protocol models. |
Skill |
3803 | Skill in identifying, locating, and tracking targets via geospatial analysis techniques |
Skill |
3810 | Skill in interpreting compiled and interpretive programming languages. |
Skill |
3812 | Skill in interpreting metadata and content as applied by collection systems. |
Skill |
3814 | Skill in using trace route tools and interpreting the results as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. |
Skill |
3815 | Skill in interpreting vulnerability scanner results to identify vulnerabilities. |
Skill |
3818 | Skill in generating operation plans in support of mission and target requirements. |
Skill |
3828 | Skill in navigating network visualization software. |
Skill |
3837 | Skill in performing data fusion from existing intelligence for enabling new and continued collection. |
Skill |
3859 | Skill in reading, interpreting, writing, modifying, and executing simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and Unix systems (e.g., those that perform tasks like parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). |
Skill |
3860 | Skill in recognizing and interpreting malicious network activity in traffic. |
Skill |
3863 | Skill in recognizing midpoint opportunities and essential information. |
Skill |
3867 | Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for leads to enable remote operations (data includes users, passwords, email addresses, IP ranges of the target, frequency in DNI behavior, mail servers, domain servers, SMTP header information). |
Skill |
3874 | Skill in researching vulnerabilities and exploits utilized in traffic. |
Skill |
3894 | Skill in target development in direct support of collection operations. |
Skill |
3913 | Skill in using databases to identify target-relevant information. |
Skill |
3923 | Skill in using non-attributable networks. |
Skill |
3948 | Skill in verifying the integrity of all files. |
Skill |
3950 | Skill in writing (and submitting) requirements to meet gaps in technical capabilities. |
Skill |
5210 | Determine the extent of threats and recommend courses of action and countermeasures to mitigate risks. |
Task |
A Host Analyst (HA) will have knowledge of various system configurations encountered. This work role also performs analysis using built-in tools and capabilities. A Host Analyst will have knowledge of system services and the security and configuration of them, as well as knowledge of file systems, permissions, and operation system configurations. The Host Analyst conducts analysis using built-in tools and capabilities.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
15 | Knowledge of capabilities and applications of network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media, and related hardware. |
Knowledge |
27A | Knowledge of cryptology. |
Knowledge |
34 | Knowledge of database systems. |
Knowledge |
43A | Knowledge of embedded systems. |
Knowledge |
46 | Knowledge of fault tolerance. |
Knowledge |
49 | Knowledge of host/network access control mechanisms (e.g., access control list). |
Knowledge |
51 | Knowledge of how system components are installed, integrated, and optimized. |
Knowledge |
52 | Knowledge of human-computer interaction principles. |
Knowledge |
53 | Knowledge of the Security Assessment and Authorization process. |
Knowledge |
61 | Knowledge of incident response and handling methodologies. |
Knowledge |
62 | Knowledge of industry-standard and organizationally accepted analysis principles and methods. |
Knowledge |
63 | Knowledge of cybersecurity principles and organizational requirements (relevant to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation). |
Knowledge |
65A | Knowledge of Information Theory (e.g., source coding, channel coding, algorithm complexity theory, and data compression). |
Knowledge |
66 | Knowledge of intrusion detection methodologies and techniques for detecting host and network-based intrusions via intrusion detection technologies. |
Knowledge |
68A | Ability to build architectures and frameworks. |
Ability |
69 | Knowledge of Risk Management Framework (RMF) requirements. |
Knowledge |
70A | Knowledge of cybersecurity methods, such as firewalls, demilitarized zones, and encryption. |
Knowledge |
78 | Knowledge of microprocessors. |
Knowledge |
79 | Knowledge of network access, identity, and access management (e.g., public key infrastructure [PKI]). |
Knowledge |
81A | Knowledge of network protocols such as TCP/IP, Dynamic Host Configuration, Domain Name System (DNS), and directory services. |
Knowledge |
82A | Knowledge of network design processes, to include understanding of security objectives, operational objectives, and tradeoffs. |
Knowledge |
88 | Knowledge of new and emerging information technology (IT) and cybersecurity technologies. |
Knowledge |
90 | Knowledge of operating systems. |
Knowledge |
92B | Knowledge of how traffic flows across the network (e.g., Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Protocol (IP), Open System Interconnection Model (OSI)). |
Knowledge |
95A | Knowledge of penetration testing principles, tools, and techniques. |
Knowledge |
105 | Knowledge of system and application security threats and vulnerabilities (e.g., buffer overflow, mobile code, cross-site scripting, Procedural Language/Structured Query Language [PL/SQL] and injections, race conditions, covert channel, replay, return-oriented attacks, malicious code). |
Knowledge |
109 | Knowledge of secure configuration management techniques. |
Knowledge |
109A | Knowledge of configuration management techniques. |
Knowledge |
110 | Knowledge of key concepts in security management (e.g., Release Management, Patch Management). |
Knowledge |
110A | Knowledge of security management. |
Knowledge |
111 | Knowledge of security system design tools, methods, and techniques. |
Knowledge |
117 | Knowledge of software design tools, methods, and techniques. |
Knowledge |
124 | Knowledge of system design tools, methods, and techniques, including automated systems analysis and design tools. |
Knowledge |
130 | Knowledge of systems testing and evaluation methods. |
Knowledge |
139 | Knowledge of the common networking protocols (e.g., TCP/IP), services (e.g., web, mail, Domain Name Server), and how they interact to provide network communications. |
Knowledge |
141A | Knowledge of the enterprise information technology (IT) architectural concepts and patterns to include baseline and target architectures. |
Knowledge |
143A | Knowledge of integrating the organization’s goals and objectives into the architecture. |
Knowledge |
148 | Knowledge of Virtual Private Network (VPN) security. |
Knowledge |
150 | Knowledge of what constitutes a network attack and the relationship to both threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
155 | Skill in applying and incorporating information technologies into proposed solutions. |
Skill |
156 | Skill in applying confidentiality, integrity, and availability principles. |
Skill |
183A | Knowledge in determining how a security system should work (including its resilience and dependability capabilities) and how changes in conditions, operations, or the environment will affect these outcomes. |
Knowledge |
202A | Skill in identifying and anticipating system/server performance, availability, capacity, or configuration problems. |
Skill |
205 | Skill in implementing, maintaining, and improving established network security practices. |
Skill |
233 | Skill in using protocol analyzers. |
Skill |
264 | Knowledge of basic physical computer components and architectures, including the functions of various components and peripherals (e.g., CPUs, Network Interface Cards, data storage). |
Knowledge |
270 | Knowledge of common adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures in assigned area of responsibility (i.e., historical country-specific tactics, techniques, and procedures; emerging capabilities). |
Knowledge |
350 | Skill in analyzing memory dumps to extract information. |
Skill |
868 | Extract data using data carving techniques (e.g., Forensic Tool Kit [FTK], Foremost). |
Task |
880A | Work with stakeholders to resolve computer security incidents and vulnerability compliance. |
Task |
892 | Skill in configuring and utilizing software-based computer protection tools (e.g., software firewalls, anti-virus software, anti-spyware). |
Skill |
912 | Knowledge of collection management processes, capabilities, and limitations. |
Knowledge |
915 | Knowledge of front-end collection systems, including traffic collection, filtering, and selection. |
Knowledge |
958 | Use cyber defense tools for continual monitoring and analysis of system activity to identify malicious activity. |
Task |
959 | Analyze identified malicious activity to determine weaknesses exploited, exploitation methods, effects on system and information. |
Task |
972A | Determine and document software patches or the extent of releases that would leave software vulnerable. |
Task |
973A | Skill in using code analysis tools. |
Skill |
1033 | Knowledge of basic system administration, network, and operating system hardening techniques. |
Knowledge |
1037B | Knowledge of program protection planning to include information technology (IT) supply chain security/risk management policies, anti-tampering techniques, and requirements. |
Knowledge |
1038 | Knowledge of local specialized system requirements (e.g., critical infrastructure systems that may not use standard information technology [IT]) for safety, performance, and reliability. |
Knowledge |
1072A | Ability to apply network security architecture concepts including topology, protocols, components, and principles (e.g., application of defense-in-depth). |
Ability |
1073 | Knowledge of network systems management principles, models, methods (e.g., end-to-end systems performance monitoring), and tools. |
Knowledge |
1110 | Isolate and remove malware. |
Task |
1111 | Identify applications and operating systems of a network device based on network traffic. |
Task |
1113 | Identify network mapping and operating system (OS) fingerprinting activities. |
Task |
1141A | Knowledge of an organization’s information classification program and procedures for information compromise. |
Knowledge |
2062 | Assist in the construction of signatures which can be implemented on cyber defense network tools in response to new or observed threats within the NE or enclave. |
Task |
2063 | Assist in the coordination, validation, and management of all-source collection requirements, plans, and/or activities. |
Task |
2119 | Conduct network scouting and vulnerability analyses of systems within a network. |
Task |
2205 | Deploy tools to a target and utilize them once deployed (e.g., backdoors, sniffers). |
Task |
2226 | Detect exploits against targeted networks and hosts and react accordingly. |
Task |
2232 | Determine course of action for addressing changes to objectives, guidance, and operational environment. |
Task |
2353 | Edit or execute simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and UNIX systems. |
Task |
2379B | Identify threats to Blue Force vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2429 | Generate requests for information. |
Task |
2603 | Monitor operational environment and report on adversarial activities which fulfill leadership’s priority information requirements. |
Task |
2611 | Notify designated managers, cyber incident responders, and cybersecurity service provider team members of suspected cyber incidents and articulate the event’s history, status, and potential impact for further action in accordance with the organization’s cyber incident response plan. |
Task |
3002 | Ability to focus research efforts to meet the customer’s decision-making needs. |
Ability |
3063 | Ability to monitor system operations and react to events in response to triggers and/or observation of trends or unusual activity. |
Ability |
3130 | Knowledge of auditing and logging procedures (including server-based logging). |
Knowledge |
3140 | Knowledge of basic programming concepts (e.g., levels, structures, compiled vs. interpreted languages). |
Knowledge |
3141 | Knowledge of basic software applications (e.g., data storage and backup, database applications) and their vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3153 | Knowledge of circuit analysis. |
Knowledge |
3188 | Knowledge of computer networking fundamentals (i.e., basic computer components of a network, types of networks, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3201 | Knowledge of all relevant reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
3206 | Knowledge of current software and methodologies for active defense and system hardening. |
Knowledge |
3222 | Knowledge of data backup and restoration concepts. |
Knowledge |
3253 | Knowledge of encryption algorithms and cyber capabilities/tools (e.g., SSL, PGP). |
Knowledge |
3261 | Knowledge of evasion strategies and techniques. |
Knowledge |
3270 | Knowledge of forensic implications of operating system structure and operations. |
Knowledge |
3317 | Knowledge of implementing Unix and Windows systems that provide radius authentication and logging, DNS, mail, web service, FTP server, DHCP, firewall, and SNMP. |
Knowledge |
3348 | Knowledge of intrusion detection systems and signature development. |
Knowledge |
3353 | Knowledge of the Risk Management Framework Assessment Methodology. |
Knowledge |
3378 | Knowledge of methods and techniques used to detect various exploitation activities. |
Knowledge |
3431 | Knowledge of OSI model and underlying network protocols (e.g., TCP/IP). |
Knowledge |
3454 | Knowledge of products and nomenclature of major vendors (e.g., security suites – Trend Micro, Symantec, McAfee, Outpost, Panda, Kaspersky) and how differences affect exploitation/vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3459 | Knowledge of the functions and capabilities of internal teams that emulate threat activities to benefit the organization. |
Knowledge |
3479 | Knowledge of security hardware and software options, including the network artifacts they induce and their effects on exploitation. |
Knowledge |
3480 | Knowledge of security implications of software configurations. |
Knowledge |
3508 | Knowledge of structure, approach, and strategy of exploitation tools (e.g., sniffers, keyloggers) and techniques (e.g., gaining backdoor access, collecting/exfiltrating data, conducting vulnerability analysis of other systems in the network). |
Knowledge |
3513 | Knowledge of system administration concepts for Unix/Linux and/or Windows operating systems. |
Knowledge |
3539 | Knowledge of telecommunications fundamentals. |
Knowledge |
3627 | Knowledge of cryptologic capabilities, limitations, and contributions to cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3637 | Knowledge of Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems structures and internals (e.g., process management, directory structure, installed applications). |
Knowledge |
3642 | Knowledge of various types of computer architectures. |
Knowledge |
3740 | Skill in determining installed patches on various operating systems and identifying patch signatures. |
Skill |
3777 | Skill in reverse engineering (e.g., hex editing, binary packaging utilities, debugging, and strings analysis) to identify function and ownership of remote tools. |
Skill |
3801 | Skill in identifying the devices that work at each level of protocol models. |
Skill |
3815 | Skill in interpreting vulnerability scanner results to identify vulnerabilities. |
Skill |
3859 | Skill in reading, interpreting, writing, modifying, and executing simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and Unix systems (e.g., those that perform tasks like parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). |
Skill |
3859A | Ability to read, interpret, write, modify, and execute simple scripts (e.g. PERL, VBS) on Windows and Unix systems (e.g., those that perform tasks like parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). |
Ability |
3871 | Skill in remote command line and Graphic User Interface (GUI) tool usage. |
Skill |
3948 | Skill in verifying the integrity of all files. |
Skill |
4095 | Knowledge of concepts related to websites (e.g., web servers/pages, hosting, DNS, registration, web languages such as HTML). |
Knowledge |
4171 | Ability to analyze a finding of a compromise and develop a custom signature(s) and/or rule(s) to identify it throughout the network |
Ability |
4172 | Ability to analyze adversarial avenues of approach on a mission-critical system |
Ability |
4174 | Ability to analyze Data at Rest and Data in Transit encryption methodologies and assess Data at Rest and Data in Transit policies in support of identifying outliers to delineate possible avenues of approach. |
Ability |
4176 | Ability to analyze how the tools operate to enumerate the system |
Ability |
4179 | Ability to analyze multiple memory captures, determine anomalous behavior and developed a detailed report that includes timeline of compromise |
Ability |
4182 | Ability to analyze organizational policies and documentation for appropriate use and user privileges to determine current user access rights policies |
Ability |
4184 | Ability to analyze potentially malicious processes, libraries and modules on a system |
Ability |
4185 | Ability to analyze process lists within Windows, Unix, or Linux operating systems |
Ability |
4186 | Ability to analyze software installed and in use on a system, and on a host machine and compare it to the authorized software list provided by the network owner |
Ability |
4187 | Ability to analyze tools/hardware used to extract/analyze/capture memory and disk images |
Ability |
4188 | Ability to analyze user-mode/kernel mode rootkits and how they function and differ |
Ability |
4189 | Ability to analyze vulnerabilities and misconfiguration without Information Assurance artifacts. |
Ability |
4195 | Ability to build a baseline of configuration/state for host machines |
Ability |
4197 | Ability to capture a memory image from a host workstation |
Ability |
4198 | Ability to capture forensically sound memory and disk images with regard to timeline analysis |
Ability |
4206 | Ability to compare active user accounts on a network to appropriate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), gather active user accounts on a network and compare to authorized user list |
Ability |
4207 | Ability to compare current state against baselines |
Ability |
4209 | Ability to compile group policies and access control lists from mission partner networks. |
Ability |
4210 | Ability to compile host-based firewall configurations and host intrusion prevention system through group policy modifications from mission partner networks. |
Ability |
4211 | Ability to conduct disk forensics on multiple images |
Ability |
4216 | Ability to configure log aggregation |
Ability |
4217 | Ability to configure, forward and statistically analyze logs |
Ability |
4225 | Ability to correlate indicators of compromise |
Ability |
4232 | Ability to de-obfuscate (e.g. command line execution, string substitution, clandestine side channel, Base64). |
Ability |
4234 | Ability to develop a risk defense plan (e.g. behavioral development, etc.) and put active measures in place in defense of a network, endpoint, and/or host. |
Ability |
4237 | Ability to develop dashboards to better visualize data |
Ability |
4238 | Ability to develop host-based IDS/IPS signatures and settings |
Ability |
4239 | Ability to develop the reporting and recording of discovered potentially malicious processes, libraries, and modules on a compromised system |
Ability |
4245 | Ability to enumerate domain security groups. |
Ability |
4246 | Ability to enumerate knowledge management applications (e.g. SharePoint) and their service accounts/security groups. |
Ability |
4247 | Ability to enumerate network shares and identify ACLs/security permissions and analyze for vulnerabilities/misconfigurations (e.g. SMB, NFS, ISCSI). |
Ability |
4250 | Ability to evaluate common Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) used in malware and open-source and Intelligence Community (IC) resources available to identify emerging TTPs |
Ability |
4251 | Ability to evaluate compliance with Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) on host machines by utilizing a compliance scanner in support of identifying outliers in order to delineate possible avenues of approach |
Ability |
4252 | Ability to evaluate if patches are up to date for all hosts, determine current process for updating patches and determine current patch level for all hosts on a network according to NIST Special Publications 800-40 in support of identifying outliers in order to delineate possible avenues of approach. |
Ability |
4256 | Ability to evaluate rogue/unauthorized systems on a network |
Ability |
4257 | Ability to evaluate security posture shortcomings in group policy |
Ability |
4258 | Ability to evaluate steps taken after host-based IDS/IPS alerts, verify the finding and ensure its volatility |
Ability |
4259 | Ability to evaluate systems resiliency in adverse conditions |
Ability |
4262 | Ability to export/enumerate information (e.g., users, groups) from a Domain Controller. |
Ability |
4266 | Ability to identify activity context in log entries to correlate indicators of compromise. |
Ability |
4269 | Ability to identify anomalous network traffic on a host machine. |
Ability |
4273 | Ability to identify critical infrastructure systems with information communication technology that were designed without system security considerations. |
Ability |
4281 | Ability to identify new indicators of compromise through anomalous behavior in log entries. |
Ability |
4283 | Ability to identify security posture shortcomings |
Ability |
4284 | Ability to identify tools and techniques available for analyzing binary applications and interpreted scripts. |
Ability |
4287 | Ability to identify/select the most appropriate tools and solutions for the specific environment (e.g. disk/memory forensics/capture, host enumeration, application whitelisting, log aggregation and analysis, HIPS/HIDS solutions, etc.). |
Ability |
4288 | Ability to implement and configure host-based firewalls and host intrusion prevention systems |
Ability |
4289 | Ability to implement Data at Rest and Data in Transit encryption methodologies, Assess Data at Rest and Data in Transit polices. |
Ability |
4302 | Ability to measure known vulnerabilities against known vectors of approach. |
Ability |
4306 | Ability to monitor Active Directory (AD) for creation of unauthorized/potentially malicious accounts. |
Ability |
4309 | Ability to operate specified tools to enumerate a system. |
Ability |
4312 | Ability to organize Active Directories (AD) hierarchy structure. |
Ability |
4313 | Ability to organize logging and auditing procedures including server-based logging. |
Ability |
4315 | Ability to organize order of the volatility when capturing artifacts. |
Ability |
4318 | Ability to perform and analyze situational awareness commands within Windows, Unix, and Linux operating systems (e.g. system info, net stat, ipconfig, task list, ls, ifconfig, etc…) |
Ability |
4319 | Ability to perform and analyze vulnerability scans on host machines in support of identifying outliers in order to delineate possible avenues of approach. |
Ability |
4320 | Ability to perform complex root-cause analysis and recommend mitigations to determine root cause of an intrusion. |
Ability |
4323 | Ability to perform dynamic analysis. |
Ability |
4326 | Ability to perform static analysis. |
Ability |
4331 | Ability to prioritize how Operating System (OS) and application patches are distributed in different systems. |
Ability |
4332 | Ability to prioritize Operating Systems (OS) default processes, library, and modules based on boot order, dependencies, or key operations. |
Ability |
4337 | Ability to provide host analysis for Risk Mitigation Plan (RMP) to improve customer security overall posture. |
Ability |
4339 | Ability to provide mitigations to recover from a full network compromise. |
Ability |
4351 | Ability to select the best tools to enumerate a given set of host machines in order to validate whether they match known baselines. |
Ability |
4363 | Ability to use and integrate a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform. |
Ability |
4371 | Ability to use host volatile data to compare active processes, libraries and modules against databases of known good/bad. |
Ability |
4375 | Ability to utilize Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)/ Department of Defense (DoD) system configuration guidelines. |
Ability |
4390 | Knowledge of active directory federated services. |
Knowledge |
4413 | Knowledge of common information network malware (e.g., viruses, trojans, etc.) and vectors of attack (e.g., ports, attachments, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4415 | Knowledge of common obfuscation techniques (e.g. command line execution, string substitution, clandestine side channel, Base64). |
Knowledge |
4416 | Knowledge of common persistence locations within Windows, Unix, or Linux operating systems. |
Knowledge |
4427 | Knowledge of cybersecurity and cybersecurity-enabled software products. |
Knowledge |
4429 | Knowledge of cybersecurity controls and design principles and methods (e.g., firewalls, DMZ, and encryption). |
Knowledge |
4430 | Knowledge of cybersecurity Risk Management Framework (RMF) process. |
Knowledge |
4434 | Knowledge of DCO capabilities, including open-source tools, and their capabilities. |
Knowledge |
4435 | Knowledge of Defense-In-Depth principles. |
Knowledge |
4438 | Knowledge of different types of log subscriptions (e.g. push vs pull, MS Windows event forwarding, winlogbeat, syslog). |
Knowledge |
4443 | Knowledge of evasion strategies and TTPs (e.g., noise, stealth, situational awareness, bandwidth throttling). |
Knowledge |
4445 | Knowledge of existing cybersecurity principles, policies, and procedures |
Knowledge |
4452 | Knowledge of full-spectrum of cyberspace operations in an intelligence-driven DCO environment. |
Knowledge |
4501 | Knowledge of non-Active Directory domains (e.g. IDM, LDAP). |
Knowledge |
4522 | Knowledge of public key infrastructure (PKI) libraries, certificate authorities, certificate management, and encryption functionalities. |
Knowledge |
4537 | Knowledge of stream providers (e.g. KAFKA). |
Knowledge |
4539 | Knowledge of structured response frameworks (e.g. MITRE ATT&CK, Lockheed Martin Kill Chain, Diamond Model). |
Knowledge |
4583 | Knowledge of the U.S. Security System authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to the cyberspace operations mission. |
Knowledge |
4585 | Knowledge of the Windows registry hive keys and the information contained within each one. |
Knowledge |
4589 | Knowledge of typical system processes within Windows, Unix, or Linux operating systems |
Knowledge |
4595 | Knowledge of web applications and their common attack vectors. |
Knowledge |
4599 | Skill in analyzing endpoint collection data. |
Skill |
4655 | Skill in providing support to intelligence analysts to understand the operational environment and how it ties to intelligence reporting. |
Skill |
4660 | Skill in refining research (e.g., vulnerabilities, TTPs) to assist intelligence analysts’ preparation of products. |
Skill |
4665 | Skill in run level configurations in a Linux or UNIX environment |
Skill |
4679 | Skill in using various online tools for open-source research (e.g., online trade, DNS, mail, etc.). |
Skill |
6240 | Knowledge of critical protocols (e.g., IPSEC, AES, GRE, IKE). |
Knowledge |
6330 | Knowledge of multi-level/security cross domain solutions. |
Knowledge |
6820 | Knowledge of network architecture concepts including topology, protocols, and components. |
Knowledge |
8036 | Conduct open source research via various online tools. |
Task |
8041 | Confer with systems analysts, engineers, programmers, and others to design application and to obtain information on project limitations and capabilities, performance requirements, and interfaces. |
Task |
8111 | Identify potential points of strength and vulnerability among segments of a network map. |
Task |
8115 | Identify tools/hardware used to extract/analyze/capture memory and disk images. |
Task |
8151 | Perform security reviews and identify gaps in security architecture that can be used in the development of a security risk management plan. |
Task |
8161 | Provide and maintain documentation for TTPs as inputs to training programs. |
Task |
8212 | Validate intrusion detection system (IDS) alerts. |
Task |
Conducts target development at the system, component and entity levels. Builds and maintains Electronic Target Folders (ETFs), to include input from JIPOE, Target Systems Analysis, GMI and other IC sources. Senior analysts run collaborative target working groups across Geographic Combatant Commands (GCCs) and IC members, presenting candidate targets for IC vetting and commander’s approval for inclusion on the target list. Assess damage resulting from the application of lethal and non-lethal military force, writes Battle Damage Assessment reports, and coordinates federated support as required.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
1056 | Knowledge of operations security. |
Knowledge |
2001 | Accurately characterize targets. |
Task |
2068 | Assist in the identification of intelligence collection shortfalls. |
Task |
2089 | Collaborate with other customer, Intelligence and targeting organizations involved in related cyber areas. |
Task |
2134 | Conduct target research and analysis. |
Task |
2170 | Coordinate target vetting with appropriate partners. |
Task |
2289 | Develop measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. |
Task |
2459 | Identify intelligence gaps and shortfalls. |
Task |
2524 | Integrate cyber planning/targeting efforts with other organizations. |
Task |
2628 | Participate in exercises. |
Task |
2716 | Produce target system analysis products. |
Task |
2882 | Work closely with planners, analysts, and collection managers to identify intelligence gaps and ensure intelligence requirements are accurate and up-to-date. |
Task |
3001 | Ability to accurately and completely source all data used in intelligence, assessment and/or planning products. |
Ability |
3040 | Ability to develop or recommend planning solutions to problems and situations for which no precedent exists. |
Ability |
3044 | Ability to exercise judgment when policies are not well-defined. |
Ability |
3073 | Ability to recognize and mitigate cognitive biases which may affect analysis. |
Ability |
3154 | Knowledge of classification and control markings standards, policies and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3188 | Knowledge of computer networking fundamentals (i.e., basic computer components of a network, types of networks, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3197 | Knowledge of criticality and vulnerability factors (e.g., value, recuperation, cushion, countermeasures) for target selection and applicability to the cyber domain. |
Knowledge |
3218 | Knowledge of cyber operations terminology/lexicon. |
Knowledge |
3250 | Knowledge of dynamic and deliberate targeting. |
Knowledge |
3271 | Knowledge of internal and external partner cyber operations capabilities and tools. |
Knowledge |
3281 | Knowledge of governing authorities for targeting. |
Knowledge |
3334 | Knowledge of intelligence confidence levels. |
Knowledge |
3335 | Knowledge of intelligence disciplines. |
Knowledge |
3358 | Knowledge of organizational hierarchy and cyber decision making processes. |
Knowledge |
3446 | Knowledge of analytical constructs and their use in assessing the operational environment. |
Knowledge |
3527 | Knowledge of target development (i.e., concepts, roles, responsibilities, products, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3530 | Knowledge of target list development (i.e. RTL, JTL, CTL, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3533 | Knowledge of target vetting and validation procedures. |
Knowledge |
3539 | Knowledge of telecommunications fundamentals. |
Knowledge |
3541 | Knowledge of the available tools and applications associated with collection requirements and collection management. |
Knowledge |
3584 | Knowledge of intelligence preparation of the environment and similar processes. |
Knowledge |
3587 | Knowledge of targeting cycles. |
Knowledge |
3630 | Knowledge of the ways in which targets or threats use the Internet. |
Knowledge |
3651 | Knowledge of what constitutes a “threat” to a network. |
Knowledge |
3691 | Skill in assessing and/or estimating effects generated during and after cyber operations. |
Skill |
3724 | Skill in defining and characterizing all pertinent aspects of the operational environment. |
Skill |
3737 | Skill in determining appropriate targeting options through the evaluation of available capabilities against desired effects. |
Skill |
3844 | Skill in preparing and presenting briefings. |
Skill |
3851 | Skill in providing understanding of target or threat systems through the identification and link analysis of physical, functional, or behavioral relationships. |
Skill |
3880 | Skill in reviewing and editing target materials. |
Skill |
3893 | Skill in tailoring analysis to the necessary levels (e.g., classification and organizational). |
Skill |
3920 | Skill in using multiple analytic tools, databases, and techniques (e.g., Analyst’s Notebook, A-Space, Anchory, M3, divergent/convergent thinking, link charts, matrices, etc.). |
Skill |
3946 | Skill in utilizing virtual collaborative workspaces and/or tools (e.g., IWS, VTCs, chat rooms, SharePoint). |
Skill |
4202 | Ability to collaborate with the IC to leverage analytical and technical expertise. |
Ability |
4203 | Ability to communicate effectively when writing and speaking. |
Ability |
4227 | Ability to create products to meet decision making needs. |
Ability |
4356 | Ability to support the joint targeting cycle in a dynamic environment. |
Ability |
4362 | Ability to understand US Code Titles as they apply to targeting in support of operations in cyberspace. |
Ability |
4373 | Ability to utilize analytical constructs. |
Ability |
4374 | Ability to utilize and synthesize multiple intelligence sources to create products. |
Ability |
4405 | Knowledge of Collateral Damage Estimate (CDE) methodology |
Knowledge |
4409 | Knowledge of combat assessment. |
Knowledge |
4412 | Knowledge of Command Structure. |
Knowledge |
4451 | Knowledge of the full-spectrum of cyberspace operational missions (e.g., DODIN Operations, DCO, OCO), principles, capabilities, limitations, and effects. |
4468 | Knowledge of IC, to include members, structure, and associated missions. |
Knowledge |
4473 | Knowledge of ISR capabilities and repositories (e.g., Geospatial Intelligence Information Management Services (GIMS), National SIGINT Requirements Process (NSRP), etc.). |
Knowledge |
4484 | Knowledge of metadata. |
Knowledge |
4492 | Knowledge of Mission Packages. |
Knowledge |
4514 | Knowledge of Political, Military, Economic, Social, PMESII and Counter-Terrorism Analytical Framework analytical constructs and their use in assessing the operational environment. |
Knowledge |
4536 | Knowledge of state and non-state target systems. |
4556 | Knowledge of the development of Intelligence Needs (INs), Intelligence Requirements (IRs), and Essential Elements of Information (EEI). |
Knowledge |
4559 | Knowledge of the target entity types. |
Knowledge |
4562 | Knowledge of the Joint Tactical Cyber Request (JTCR). |
Knowledge |
4569 | Knowledge of the National SIGINT system. |
Knowledge |
4572 | Knowledge of the Request for Support (RFS) process. |
Knowledge |
4574 | Knowledge of the review and approval process for cyberspace operations Review and Approval Process of Cyber Operations (RAP-CO) process. |
Knowledge |
4576 | Knowledge of the sensitive target and review (STAR) process. |
Knowledge |
4596 | Knowledge of what a Tasking Order is and the information contained in it (e.g., ATO, CTO, and MTO). |
Knowledge |
4617 | Skill in creating and maintaining target materials. |
Skill |
4622 | Skill in developing TSA products. |
Skill |
4634 | Skill in identifying intelligence gaps to generate RFIs. |
Skill |
4654 | Skill in providing input into Mission Packages. |
Skill |
4681 | Skill in utilizing Microsoft Office applications (e.g., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.). |
Skill |
4683 | Skill in writing phased BDA reports. |
Skill |
8024 | Attend or provide input for targeting community meetings (e.g., Targeting Issues Working Group (TIWG), Military Targeting Committee (MTC), etc.). |
Task |
8027 | Build and maintain target materials. |
Task |
8077 | Develop, or assist in the development, of a Collateral Effects Estimation (CEE) methodology for cyberspace. |
Task |
8133 | Maintain situational awareness of the common intelligence picture and/or common operational picture as applicable |
Task |
8140 | Participate in Boards, Bureaus, Cells, Centers, and Working Groups (B2C2WGs). |
Task |
8143 | Participate in the Joint Planning Process and other commander and staff planning processes. |
Task |
8160 | Provide analysis and support for combat assessments. |
Task |
8177 | Provide targeting support to TST planning and operations. |
Task |
8195 | Support target list management (i.e. Restricted Target List (RTL), Joint Target List (JTL), Candidate Target List (CTL), etc.). |
Task |
8214 | Understand measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. |
Task |
The Network Analyst will understand network traffic signatures and discover anomalies through network traffic and packet capture (PCAP) analysis. The Network Analyst will identify, assess, and mitigate intrusions into networks that are vital to cyberspace operations security. Network Analysts also use GUI or command-line based tools and assist in developing network mapping and signatures. Network Analysts will develop advanced network detection rules and alerts, queries and dashboards to gain a holistic view of the network.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
12 | Knowledge of communication methods, principles, and concepts (e.g., crypto, dual hubs, time multiplexers) that support the network infrastructure. |
Knowledge |
15 | Knowledge of capabilities and applications of network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media, and related hardware. |
Knowledge |
19 | Knowledge of cyber defense and vulnerability assessment tools, including open source tools, and their capabilities. |
Knowledge |
27A | Knowledge of cryptology. |
Knowledge |
29 | Knowledge of data backup, types of backups (e.g., full, incremental), and recovery concepts and tools. |
Knowledge |
38 | Knowledge of organization’s enterprise information security architecture system. |
Knowledge |
40 | Knowledge of organization’s evaluation and validation requirements. |
Knowledge |
49 | Knowledge of host/network access control mechanisms (e.g., access control list). |
Knowledge |
53 | Knowledge of the Security Assessment and Authorization process. |
Knowledge |
61 | Knowledge of incident response and handling methodologies. |
Knowledge |
62 | Knowledge of industry-standard and organizationally accepted analysis principles and methods. |
Knowledge |
63 | Knowledge of cybersecurity principles and organizational requirements (relevant to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation). |
Knowledge |
70A | Knowledge of cybersecurity methods, such as firewalls, demilitarized zones, and encryption. |
Knowledge |
70B | Skill in applying cybersecurity methods, such as firewalls, demilitarized zones, and encryption. |
Skill |
72 | Knowledge of local area and wide area networking principles and concepts including bandwidth management. |
Knowledge |
79 | Knowledge of network access, identity, and access management (e.g., public key infrastructure [PKI]). |
Knowledge |
82A | Knowledge of network design processes, to include understanding of security objectives, operational objectives, and tradeoffs. |
Knowledge |
87 | Knowledge of network traffic analysis methods. |
Knowledge |
88 | Knowledge of new and emerging information technology (IT) and cybersecurity technologies. |
Knowledge |
92 | Knowledge of how traffic flows across the network (e.g., Transmission Control Protocol [TCP] and Internet Protocol [IP], Open System Interconnection Model [OSI], Information Technology Infrastructure Library, current version [ITIL]). |
Knowledge |
96 | Knowledge of performance tuning tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
99A | Knowledge of principles and methods for integrating system components. |
Knowledge |
109 | Knowledge of secure configuration management techniques. |
Knowledge |
110 | Knowledge of key concepts in security management (e.g., Release Management, Patch Management). |
Knowledge |
110A | Knowledge of security management. |
Knowledge |
132 | Knowledge of technology integration processes. |
Knowledge |
133 | Knowledge of key telecommunications concepts (e.g., Routing Algorithms, Fiber Optics Systems Link Budgeting, Add/Drop Multiplexers). |
Knowledge |
139 | Knowledge of the common networking protocols (e.g., TCP/IP), services (e.g., web, mail, Domain Name Server), and how they interact to provide network communications. |
Knowledge |
143A | Knowledge of integrating the organization’s goals and objectives into the architecture. |
Knowledge |
145 | Knowledge of the type and frequency of routine maintenance needed to keep equipment functioning properly. |
Knowledge |
148 | Knowledge of Virtual Private Network (VPN) security. |
Knowledge |
150 | Knowledge of what constitutes a network attack and the relationship to both threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
154 | Skill in analyzing network traffic capacity and performance characteristics. |
Skill |
155 | Skill in applying and incorporating information technologies into proposed solutions. |
Skill |
167A | Skill in conducting system/server planning, management, and maintenance. |
Skill |
171A | Skill in correcting physical and technical problems that impact system/server performance. |
Skill |
177A | Knowledge of countermeasure design for identified security risks. |
Knowledge |
177 | Skill in designing countermeasures to identified security risks. |
Skill |
183A | Knowledge in determining how a security system should work (including its resilience and dependability capabilities) and how changes in conditions, operations, or the environment will affect these outcomes. |
Knowledge |
191 | Skill in developing and applying security system access controls. |
Skill |
193 | Skill in developing, testing, and implementing network infrastructure contingency and recovery plans. |
Skill |
194 | Skill in diagnosing connectivity problems. |
Skill |
197 | Skill in discerning the protection needs (i.e., security controls) of information systems and networks. |
Skill |
198 | Skill in establishing a routing schema. |
Skill |
202A | Skill in identifying and anticipating system/server performance, availability, capacity, or configuration problems. |
Skill |
206A | Skill in installing system and component upgrades. |
Skill |
207 | Skill in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting LAN and WAN components such as routers, hubs, and switches. |
Skill |
211A | Skill in monitoring and optimizing system/server performance. |
Skill |
231 | Skill in using network management tools to analyze network traffic patterns (e.g., simple network management protocol). |
Skill |
244 | Ability to determine the validity of technology trend data. |
Ability |
270 | Knowledge of common adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures in assigned area of responsibility (i.e., historical country-specific tactics, techniques, and procedures; emerging capabilities). |
Knowledge |
408 | Analyze information to determine, recommend, and plan the development of a new application or modification of an existing application. |
Task |
427 | Develop content for cyber defense tools. |
Task |
461 | Confer with systems analysts, engineers, programmers, and others to design application and to obtain information on project limitations and capabilities, performance requirements, and interfaces. |
Task |
472 | Coordinate with enterprise-wide cyber defense staff to validate network alerts. |
Task |
718 | Monitor network capacity and performance. |
Task |
765 | Perform security reviews, identify gaps in security architecture, and develop a security risk management plan. |
Task |
782 | Plan and recommend modifications or adjustments based on exercise results or system environment. |
Task |
802 | Provide feedback on network requirements, including network architecture and infrastructure. |
Task |
818 | Provide technical documents, incident reports, findings from computer examinations, summaries, and other situational awareness information to higher headquarters. |
Task |
823 | Receive and analyze network alerts from various sources within the enterprise and determine possible causes of such alerts. |
Task |
850 | Store, retrieve, and manipulate data for analysis of system capabilities and requirements. |
Task |
880A | Work with stakeholders to resolve computer security incidents and vulnerability compliance. |
Task |
912 | Knowledge of collection management processes, capabilities, and limitations. |
Knowledge |
958 | Use cyber defense tools for continual monitoring and analysis of system activity to identify malicious activity. |
Task |
959 | Analyze identified malicious activity to determine weaknesses exploited, exploitation methods, effects on system and information. |
Task |
971 | Design countermeasures and mitigations against potential exploitations of programming language weaknesses and vulnerabilities in system and elements. |
Task |
978A | Knowledge of root cause analysis techniques. |
Knowledge |
986 | Knowledge of organizational information technology (IT) user security policies (e.g., account creation, password rules, access control). |
Knowledge |
993A | Ability to apply the methods, standards, and approaches for describing, analyzing, and documenting an organization’s enterprise information technology (IT) architecture (e.g., Open Group Architecture Framework [TOGAF], Department of Defense Architecture Framework [DoDAF], Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework [FEAF]). |
Ability |
1020A | Skill in secure test plan design (e. g. unit, integration, system, acceptance). |
Skill |
1033 | Knowledge of basic system administration, network, and operating system hardening techniques. |
Knowledge |
1037A | Knowledge of information technology (IT) risk management policies, requirements, and procedures. |
Knowledge |
1037B | Knowledge of program protection planning to include information technology (IT) supply chain security/risk management policies, anti-tampering techniques, and requirements. |
Knowledge |
1038 | Knowledge of local specialized system requirements (e.g., critical infrastructure systems that may not use standard information technology [IT]) for safety, performance, and reliability. |
Knowledge |
1072 | Knowledge of network security architecture concepts including topology, protocols, components, and principles (e.g., application of defense-in-depth). |
Knowledge |
1073 | Knowledge of network systems management principles, models, methods (e.g., end-to-end systems performance monitoring), and tools. |
Knowledge |
1073A | Skill in network systems management principles, models, methods (e.g., end-to-end systems performance monitoring), and tools. |
Skill |
1074A | Knowledge of transmission records (e.g., Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Infrared Networking (IR), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi). paging, cellular, satellite dishes, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)), and jamming techniques that enable transmission of undesirable information, or prevent installed systems from operating correctly. |
Knowledge |
1091 | Skill in one way hash functions (e.g., Secure Hash Algorithm [SHA], Message Digest Algorithm [MD5]). |
Skill |
1107 | Identify and analyze anomalies in network traffic using metadata (e.g., CENTAUR). |
Task |
1109 | Validate intrusion detection system (IDS) alerts against network traffic using packet analysis tools. |
Task |
1111 | Identify applications and operating systems of a network device based on network traffic. |
Task |
1113 | Identify network mapping and operating system (OS) fingerprinting activities. |
Task |
1141A | Knowledge of an organization’s information classification program and procedures for information compromise. |
Knowledge |
2062 | Assist in the construction of signatures which can be implemented on cyber defense network tools in response to new or observed threats within the NE or enclave. |
Task |
2087 | Collaborate with intelligence analysts/targeting organizations involved in related areas. |
Task |
2102 | Conduct analysis of physical and logical digital technologies (e.g., wireless, SCADA, telecom) to identify potential avenues of access. |
Task |
2119 | Conduct network scouting and vulnerability analyses of systems within a network. |
Task |
2124 | Conduct open source data collection via various online tools. |
Task |
2226 | Detect exploits against targeted networks and hosts and react accordingly. |
Task |
2379B | Identify threats to Blue Force vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2429 | Generate requests for information. |
Task |
2477 | Identify potential points of strength and vulnerability within a network. |
Task |
2603 | Monitor operational environment and report on adversarial activities which fulfill leadership’s priority information requirements. |
Task |
2611 | Notify designated managers, cyber incident responders, and cybersecurity service provider team members of suspected cyber incidents and articulate the event’s history, status, and potential impact for further action in accordance with the organization’s cyber incident response plan. |
Task |
3030 | Ability to conduct vulnerability scans and recognize vulnerabilities in security systems. |
Ability |
3137 | Knowledge of basic malicious activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration). |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3188 | Knowledge of computer networking fundamentals (i.e., basic computer components of a network, types of networks, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3201 | Knowledge of all relevant reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
3206 | Knowledge of current software and methodologies for active defense and system hardening. |
Knowledge |
3261 | Knowledge of evasion strategies and techniques. |
Knowledge |
3277 | Knowledge of general SCADA system components. |
Knowledge |
3346 | Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols. |
Knowledge |
3349 | Knowledge of intrusion sets. |
Knowledge |
3353 | Knowledge of the Risk Management Framework Assessment Methodology. |
Knowledge |
3378 | Knowledge of methods and techniques used to detect various exploitation activities. |
Knowledge |
3399 | Knowledge of network administration. |
Knowledge |
3431 | Knowledge of OSI model and underlying network protocols (e.g., TCP/IP). |
Knowledge |
3454 | Knowledge of products and nomenclature of major vendors (e.g., security suites – Trend Micro, Symantec, McAfee, Outpost, Panda, Kaspersky) and how differences affect exploitation/vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
3479 | Knowledge of security hardware and software options, including the network artifacts they induce and their effects on exploitation. |
Knowledge |
3508 | Knowledge of structure, approach, and strategy of exploitation tools (e.g., sniffers, keyloggers) and techniques (e.g., gaining backdoor access, collecting/exfiltrating data, conducting vulnerability analysis of other systems in the network). |
Knowledge |
3627 | Knowledge of cryptologic capabilities, limitations, and contributions to cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3695 | Skill in auditing firewalls, perimeters, routers, and intrusion detection systems. |
Skill |
3740 | Skill in determining installed patches on various operating systems and identifying patch signatures. |
Skill |
3779 | Skill in extracting information from packet captures. |
Skill |
3801 | Skill in identifying the devices that work at each level of protocol models. |
Skill |
3815 | Skill in interpreting vulnerability scanner results to identify vulnerabilities. |
Skill |
3871 | Skill in remote command line and Graphic User Interface (GUI) tool usage. |
Skill |
3910 | Skill in using Boolean operators to construct simple and complex queries. |
Skill |
3931 | Skill in using various open source data collection tools (online trade, DNS, mail, etc.). |
Skill |
3948 | Skill in verifying the integrity of all files. |
Skill |
4170 | Ability to accurately document results |
Ability |
4171 | Ability to analyze a finding of a compromise and develop a custom signature(s) and/or rule(s) to identify it throughout the network |
Ability |
4173 | Ability to analyze Data at Rest and Data in Transit encryption methodologies and assess Data at Rest and Data in Transit polices |
Ability |
4175 | Ability to analyze device/protocol discovery tool output |
Ability |
4177 | Ability to analyze interior and exterior routing protocols (e.g. RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, etc…) |
Ability |
4178 | Ability to analyze mitigations to recover from a full network compromise |
Ability |
4180 | Ability to analyze network infrastructure to identify and recommend key terrain or critical infrastructure. |
Ability |
4181 | Ability to analyze organizational policies and documentation for appropriate use and user privileges as they apply to networking devices. |
Ability |
4183 | Ability to analyze potential adversarial attack vectors on a mission-critical system. |
Ability |
4193 | Ability to assess Data in Transit encryption policies. |
Ability |
4201 | Ability to characterize network traffic for trends and patterns. |
Ability |
4205 | Ability to communicate with Sr Leaders of an Org. to ensure shared responsibility for supporting Org. mission/business functions using external providers of systems, services and apps receives visibility and is elevated to the appropriate decisionmaking authorities. |
Ability |
4208 | Ability to compile access control lists and firewall configurations. |
Ability |
4212 | Ability to Conduct flow data analysis |
Ability |
4214 | Ability to conduct research on vulnerabilites found and correlate current versions to known vulnerable releases |
Ability |
4217 | Ability to configure, forward and statistically analyze logs |
Ability |
4218 | Ability to configure, place, and maintain a distributed sensor grid. |
Ability |
4220 | Ability to construct accurate maps of the network devices |
Ability |
4221 | Ability to construct log aggregation solutions and analysis platforms |
Ability |
4225 | Ability to correlate indicators of compromise |
Ability |
4226 | Ability to create baselines/PPS documents and to compare current state against documentation. |
Ability |
4230 | Ability to create rules/alerts for traffic validation. |
Ability |
4231 | Ability to define caching and analyze the information contained within |
Ability |
4233 | Ability to detect mismatched port-application traffic |
Ability |
4235 | Ability to develop a risk defense plan to put active measure in place in defense of a network |
Ability |
4237 | Ability to develop dashboards to better visualize data |
Ability |
4241 | Ability to dissect and analyze a packet header |
Ability |
4242 | Ability to document findings of any anomalous connections |
Ability |
4250 | Ability to evaluate common Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) used in malware and open-source and Intelligence Community (IC) resources available to identify emerging TTPs |
Ability |
4253 | Ability to evaluate information (e.g. trust relationships and security policies) from a domain to identify vulnerabilities/misconfiguration |
Ability |
4254 | Ability to evaluate mitigations to recover from a full-network compromise. |
Ability |
4255 | Ability to evaluate network diagram |
Ability |
4256 | Ability to evaluate rogue/unauthorized systems on a network |
Ability |
4259 | Ability to evaluate systems resiliency in adverse conditions |
Ability |
4267 | Ability to identify activity in log entries to correlate indicators of compromise. |
Ability |
4268 | Ability to identify anomalous activity based off of known trends and patterns. |
Ability |
4270 | Ability to identify C2 Beaconing in normal network traffic. |
Ability |
4272 | Ability to identify complex root-cause analysis and recommend mitigations |
Ability |
4274 | Ability to identify Data in Transit encryption methodologies. |
Ability |
4275 | Ability to identify exfiltration of data in normal network traffic |
Ability |
4277 | Ability to identify IPv6 and differentiate between Link Local, Multicast, Unicast, and Anycast. |
Ability |
4286 | Ability to identify wireless encryption and differentiate between WEP, WPA (all versions) and WAPI |
Ability |
4290 | Ability to implement network TAP configuration |
Ability |
4295 | Ability to integrate information security requirements into the acquisition process, using applicable baseline security controls as one of the sources for security requirements, and ensuring a robust software quality control process. |
Ability |
4301 | Ability to measure application whitelisting/blacklisting solutions. |
Ability |
4303 | Ability to measure principle of vulnerability exploitation. |
Ability |
4304 | Ability to measure the effectiveness of white/blacklisting solutions on network devices. |
Ability |
4307 | Ability to monitor network data and perform triage on triggered events. |
Ability |
4310 | Ability to operate the tools to enumerate a system. |
Ability |
4311 | Ability to organize a list of mission infrastructure to identify which dependent systems are key terrain. |
Ability |
4314 | Ability to organize Network System Architecture and the dependencies formed from relationships between systems. |
Ability |
4321 | Ability to perform conversation calculations across Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal, and binary. |
Ability |
4322 | Ability to perform device discovery. |
Ability |
4348 | Ability to research protocol utilization and determine anomalous use. |
Ability |
4357 | Ability to test tools within sensor grid. |
Ability |
4364 | Ability to use and integrate Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) capabilities in the analysis process. |
Ability |
4375 | Ability to utilize Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)/ Department of Defense (DoD) system configuration guidelines. |
Ability |
4392 | Knowledge of anomaly-based detection and threat hunting. |
Knowledge |
4394 | Knowledge of attack principles, tools, and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4396 | Knowledge of basic cloud-based technologies and concepts. |
Knowledge |
4398 | Knowledge of basic Cyber Threat Emulation concepts. |
Knowledge |
4399 | Knowledge of basic Embedded Systems concepts. |
Knowledge |
4427 | Knowledge of cybersecurity and cybersecurity-enabled software products. |
Knowledge |
4440 | Knowledge of DOD Component-level cybersecurity architecture. |
Knowledge |
4442 | Knowledge of encryption algorithms and their implementation. |
Knowledge |
4450 | Knowledge of Friendly Network Forces (FNF) reporting procedures (i.e. deconfliction) to include external organization interaction. |
Knowledge |
4455 | Knowledge of hardware components and architecture including functions and limitations. |
Knowledge |
4456 | Knowledge of hashing algorithms. |
Knowledge |
4457 | Knowledge of Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal, and binary |
Knowledge |
4467 | Knowledge of HTML source code and the intelligence that can be derived from it. |
Knowledge |
4472 | Knowledge of IPv6 |
Knowledge |
4499 | Knowledge of Network OSs. |
Knowledge |
4531 | Knowledge of security implications of device and software configurations. |
Knowledge |
4539 | Knowledge of structured response frameworks (e.g. MITRE ATT&CK, Lockheed Martin Kill Chain, Diamond Model). |
Knowledge |
4547 | Knowledge of TCP flags |
Knowledge |
4557 | Knowledge of the differences between distance vector and link-state routing protocols |
Knowledge |
4558 | Knowledge of the different DNS resource records |
Knowledge |
4583 | Knowledge of the U.S. Security System authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to the cyberspace operations mission. |
Knowledge |
4591 | Knowledge of User Agent Strings and the intelligence that can be derived from them |
Knowledge |
4603 | Skill in analyzing PCAP data |
Skill |
4614 | Skill in conducting system planning, management, and maintenance. |
Skill |
4623 | Skill in discerning the protection requirements (i.e. security controls) of IS and networks. |
Skill |
4636 | Skill in implementing encryption algorithms. |
Skill |
4637 | Skill in intrusion detection methodologies and techniques for detecting host and network-based intrusions for utilizing intrusion detection systems and signature development. |
Skill |
4642 | Skill in network operating system administration. |
Skill |
4650 | Skill in providing an understanding of the adversary through the identification and link analysis of physical, functional, or behavioral relationships within an operational environment. |
Skill |
4661 | Skill in regular expressions |
Skill |
4671 | Skill in understanding cybersecurity architecture, its implementation, and its expected behaviors and how changes in conditions affect outcomes. |
Skill |
4672 | Skill in using Berkeley Packet filters. |
Skill |
4675 | Skill in using network mapping tools to analyze identify and enumerate a network. |
Skill |
4680 | Skill in utilizing a network traffic packet analyzer in order to detect anomalies in protocol utilization. |
Skill |
6030 | Ability to apply an organization’s goals and objectives to develop and maintain architecture. |
Ability |
6150 | Ability to optimize systems to meet enterprise performance requirements. |
Ability |
6330 | Knowledge of multi-level/security cross domain solutions. |
Knowledge |
6590 | Skill in interfacing with customers. |
Skill |
8000 | Adhere to DCO policies and procedures reflecting applicable laws, policies, procedures, and regulations (such as United States Code Titles 10 and 50). |
Task |
8019 | Assess exploited systems’ potential to provide additional access, target development information, intelligence and/or covert infrastructure. |
Task |
8061 | Determine and document software patches or the extent of releases that would harden vulnerable software. |
Task |
8062 | Determine location of tool(s) deployment and utilize them once deployed (e.g., monitor agent, sensor). |
Task |
8066 | Develop and review cyberspace operations TTPs for integration into strategic, operational and tactical levels of planning. |
Task |
8099 | Evaluate security architecture and its design against cyberspace threats as identified in operational and acquisition documents. |
Task |
8136 | Manage threat or target analysis of DCO information and production of threat information for networks and enclave environments. |
Task |
8161 | Provide and maintain documentation for TTPs as inputs to training programs. |
Task |
8171 | Provide input to the analysis, design, development or acquisition of capabilities used for meeting mission objectives. |
Task |
8179 | Read, write, and interpret simple scripts to collect remote data and automation tasks. |
Task |
8180 | Read, write, and interpret simple scripts to parse large data files. |
Task |
8182 | Recommend Patch network vulnerabilities to ensure information is safeguarded against outside parties via Risk Mitigation Plans. |
Task |
The Network Technician provides enterprise and tactical infrastructure knowledge, experience, and integration to the Cyber Protection Team (CPT). The Network Technician supports CPT elements by understanding of network technologies, defining mission scope, and identifying terrain.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
12 | Knowledge of communication methods, principles, and concepts (e.g., crypto, dual hubs, time multiplexers) that support the network infrastructure. |
Knowledge |
15 | Knowledge of capabilities and applications of network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media, and related hardware. |
Knowledge |
41A | Ability to operate the organization’s LAN/WAN pathways. |
Ability |
51 | Knowledge of how system components are installed, integrated, and optimized. |
Knowledge |
68A | Ability to build architectures and frameworks. |
Ability |
70 | Knowledge of information technology (IT) security principles and methods (e.g., firewalls, demilitarized zones, encryption). |
Knowledge |
72 | Knowledge of local area and wide area networking principles and concepts including bandwidth management. |
Knowledge |
76 | Knowledge of measures or indicators of system performance and availability. |
Knowledge |
81A | Knowledge of network protocols such as TCP/IP, Dynamic Host Configuration, Domain Name System (DNS), and directory services. |
Knowledge |
90 | Knowledge of operating systems. |
Knowledge |
96 | Knowledge of performance tuning tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
106 | Knowledge of remote access technology concepts. |
Knowledge |
112A | Knowledge of systems engineering theories, concepts, and methods. |
Knowledge |
113 | Knowledge of server and client operating systems. |
Knowledge |
114A | Knowledge of system/server diagnostic tools and fault identification techniques. |
Knowledge |
127 | Knowledge of systems administration concepts. |
Knowledge |
141 | Knowledge of the enterprise information technology (IT) architecture. |
Knowledge |
141A | Knowledge of the enterprise information technology (IT) architectural concepts and patterns to include baseline and target architectures. |
Knowledge |
145 | Knowledge of the type and frequency of routine maintenance needed to keep equipment functioning properly. |
Knowledge |
148 | Knowledge of Virtual Private Network (VPN) security. |
Knowledge |
154 | Skill in analyzing network traffic capacity and performance characteristics. |
Skill |
167A | Skill in conducting system/server planning, management, and maintenance. |
Skill |
170 | Skill in configuring and optimizing software. |
Skill |
171A | Skill in correcting physical and technical problems that impact system/server performance. |
Skill |
180 | Skill in designing the integration of hardware and software solutions. |
Skill |
183 | Skill in determining how a security system should work (including its resilience and dependability capabilities) and how changes in conditions, operations, or the environment will affect these outcomes. |
Skill |
191 | Skill in developing and applying security system access controls. |
Skill |
193 | Skill in developing, testing, and implementing network infrastructure contingency and recovery plans. |
Skill |
194 | Skill in diagnosing connectivity problems. |
Skill |
195A | Skill in troubleshooting failed system components (i.e., servers) |
Skill |
202A | Skill in identifying and anticipating system/server performance, availability, capacity, or configuration problems. |
Skill |
206A | Skill in installing system and component upgrades. |
Skill |
207 | Skill in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting LAN and WAN components such as routers, hubs, and switches. |
Skill |
209 | Skill in maintaining directory services. |
Skill |
211A | Skill in monitoring and optimizing system/server performance. |
Skill |
212A | Knowledge of network mapping and recreating network topologies. |
Knowledge |
216A | Skill in recovering failed systems/servers. |
Skill |
219A | Skill in operating system administration. |
Skill |
231 | Skill in using network management tools to analyze network traffic patterns (e.g., simple network management protocol). |
Skill |
278 | Knowledge of different types of network communication (e.g., LAN, WAN, MAN, WLAN, WWAN). |
Knowledge |
287 | Knowledge of file system implementations (e.g., New Technology File System [NTFS], File Allocation Table [FAT], File Extension [EXT]). |
Knowledge |
342A | Knowledge of operating system command line/prompt. |
Knowledge |
344 | Knowledge of virtualization technologies and virtual machine development and maintenance. |
Knowledge |
433 | Characterize and analyze network traffic to identify anomalous activity and potential threats to network resources. |
Task |
434A | Check system hardware availability, functionality, integrity, and efficiency. |
Task |
452 | Conduct functional and connectivity testing to ensure continuing operability. |
Task |
456A | Conduct periodic system maintenance including cleaning (both physically and electronically), disk checks, routine reboots, data dumps, and testing. |
Task |
461 | Confer with systems analysts, engineers, programmers, and others to design application and to obtain information on project limitations and capabilities, performance requirements, and interfaces. |
Task |
462 | Configure and optimize network hubs, routers, and switches (e.g., higher-level protocols, tunneling). |
Task |
467 | Consult with engineering staff to evaluate interface between hardware and software. |
Task |
499 | Design group policies and access control lists to ensure compatibility with organizational standards, business rules, and needs. |
Task |
518 | Develop and document systems administration standard operating procedures. |
Task |
518A | Comply with organization systems administration standard operating procedures. |
Task |
602 | Evaluate factors such as reporting formats required, cost constraints, and need for security restrictions to determine hardware configuration. |
Task |
667 | Install or replace network hubs, routers, and switches. |
Task |
683 | Maintain baseline system security according to organizational policies. |
Task |
695 | Manage accounts, network rights, and access to systems and equipment. |
Task |
701A | Manage system/server resources including performance, capacity, availability, serviceability, and recoverability. |
Task |
728A | Oversee installation, implementation, configuration, and support of system components. |
Task |
736 | Patch network vulnerabilities to ensure information is safeguarded against outside parties. |
Task |
763A | Diagnose faulty system/server hardware. |
Task |
763B | Perform repairs on faulty system/server hardware. |
Task |
765 | Perform security reviews, identify gaps in security architecture, and develop a security risk management plan. |
Task |
781 | Plan, execute, and verify data redundancy and system recovery procedures. |
Task |
782 | Plan and recommend modifications or adjustments based on exercise results or system environment. |
Task |
802 | Provide feedback on network requirements, including network architecture and infrastructure. |
Task |
811 | Provide ongoing optimization and problem solving support. |
Task |
835A | Troubleshoot hardware/software interface and interoperability problems. |
Task |
902 | Knowledge of the range of existing networks (e.g., PBX, LANs, WANs, WIFI, SCADA). |
Knowledge |
986 | Knowledge of organizational information technology (IT) user security policies (e.g., account creation, password rules, access control). |
Knowledge |
990 | Knowledge of the common attack vectors on the network layer. |
Knowledge |
991 | Knowledge of different classes of attacks (e.g., passive, active, insider, close-in, distribution). |
Knowledge |
1033 | Knowledge of basic system administration, network, and operating system hardening techniques. |
Knowledge |
1034A | Knowledge of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data security standards. |
Knowledge |
1034C | Knowledge of Personal Health Information (PHI) data security standards. |
Knowledge |
1063A | Knowledge of operating system structures and internals (e.g., process management, directory structure, installed applications). |
Knowledge |
1072A | Ability to apply network security architecture concepts including topology, protocols, components, and principles (e.g., application of defense-in-depth). |
Ability |
1072 | Knowledge of network security architecture concepts including topology, protocols, components, and principles (e.g., application of defense-in-depth). |
Knowledge |
1104 | Examine network topologies to understand data flows through the network. |
Task |
1109 | Validate intrusion detection system (IDS) alerts against network traffic using packet analysis tools. |
Task |
1153A | Install, update, and troubleshoot systems/servers. |
Task |
2062 | Assist in the construction of signatures which can be implemented on cyber defense network tools in response to new or observed threats within the NE or enclave. |
Task |
2102 | Conduct analysis of physical and logical digital technologies (e.g., wireless, SCADA, telecom) to identify potential avenues of access. |
Task |
2119 | Conduct network scouting and vulnerability analyses of systems within a network. |
Task |
2232 | Determine course of action for addressing changes to objectives, guidance, and operational environment. |
Task |
2379B | Identify threats to Blue Force vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2477 | Identify potential points of strength and vulnerability within a network. |
Task |
2611 | Notify designated managers, cyber incident responders, and cybersecurity service provider team members of suspected cyber incidents and articulate the event’s history, status, and potential impact for further action in accordance with the organization’s cyber incident response plan. |
Task |
3063 | Ability to monitor system operations and react to events in response to triggers and/or observation of trends or unusual activity. |
Ability |
3076 | Ability to tailor technical and planning information to a customer’s level of understanding. |
Ability |
3188 | Knowledge of computer networking fundamentals (i.e., basic computer components of a network, types of networks, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3246 | Knowledge of confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements. |
Knowledge |
3277 | Knowledge of general SCADA system components. |
Knowledge |
3353 | Knowledge of the Risk Management Framework Assessment Methodology. |
Knowledge |
3402 | Knowledge of network construction and topology. |
Knowledge |
3431 | Knowledge of OSI model and underlying network protocols (e.g., TCP/IP). |
Knowledge |
3539 | Knowledge of telecommunications fundamentals. |
Knowledge |
3741 | Skill in determining the effect of various router and firewall configurations on traffic patterns and network performance in both LAN and WAN environments. |
Skill |
3871 | Skill in remote command line and Graphic User Interface (GUI) tool usage. |
Skill |
4196 | Ability to build, implement, and maintain distributed sensor grid. |
Ability |
4201 | Ability to characterize network traffic for trends and patterns. |
Ability |
4215 | Ability to configure and place distributed sensor grid |
Ability |
4224 | Ability to coordinate with Sr Leaders of an Org. to ensure shared responsibility for supporting Org. mission/business functions using external providers of systems, services and apps receives visibility and is elevated to the appropriate decision-making authorities |
Ability |
4228 | Ability to create rule sets within an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). |
Ability |
4230 | Ability to create rules/alerts for traffic validation. |
Ability |
4273 | Ability to identify critical infrastructure systems with information communication technology that were designed without system security considerations. |
Ability |
4290 | Ability to implement network TAP configuration |
Ability |
4291 | Ability to implement sensors according to sensor plan |
Ability |
4294 | Ability to integrate information security requirements into the acquisition process, using applicable baseline security controls as one of the sources for security requirements, ensuring a robust software quality control process and establishing multiple source |
Ability |
4316 | Ability to organize policy standards to insure procedures and guidelines comply with cybersecurity policies. |
Ability |
4352 | Ability to setup Serial and Ethernet interfaces. |
Ability |
4354 | Ability to share meaningful insights about the context of an organization’s threat environment that improve its risk management posture. |
Ability |
4357 | Ability to test tools within sensor grid. |
Ability |
4358 | Ability to track the location and configuration of networked devices and software across departments, locations, facilities and potentially supporting business functions. |
Ability |
4360 | Ability to troubleshoot computer software and hardware issues, make repairs, and schedule updates. |
Ability |
4365 | Ability to use and/or integrate a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform. |
Ability |
4390 | Knowledge of active directory federated services. |
Knowledge |
4396 | Knowledge of basic cloud-based technologies and concepts. |
Knowledge |
4398 | Knowledge of basic Cyber Threat Emulation concepts. |
Knowledge |
4399 | Knowledge of basic Embedded Systems concepts. |
Knowledge |
4415 | Knowledge of common obfuscation techniques (e.g. command line execution, string substitution, clandestine side channel, Base64). |
Knowledge |
4429 | Knowledge of cybersecurity controls and design principles and methods (e.g., firewalls, DMZ, and encryption). |
Knowledge |
4438 | Knowledge of different types of log subscriptions (e.g. push vs pull, MS Windows event forwarding, winlogbeat, syslog). |
Knowledge |
4451 | Knowledge of the full-spectrum of cyberspace operational missions (e.g., DODIN Operations, DCO, OCO), principles, capabilities, limitations, and effects. |
4481 | Knowledge of long haul circuits. |
Knowledge |
4499 | Knowledge of Network OSs. |
Knowledge |
4500 | Knowledge of network systems management methods including end-to-end systems performance monitoring. |
Knowledge |
4501 | Knowledge of non-Active Directory domains (e.g. IDM, LDAP). |
Knowledge |
4516 | Knowledge of principles and methods for integrating system and network components. |
Knowledge |
4522 | Knowledge of public key infrastructure (PKI) libraries, certificate authorities, certificate management, and encryption functionalities. |
Knowledge |
4529 | Knowledge of routing protocols such as RIPv1/v2, OSPF, IGRP, and EIGRP |
Knowledge |
4532 | Knowledge of Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) |
Knowledge |
4537 | Knowledge of stream providers (e.g. KAFKA). |
Knowledge |
4539 | Knowledge of structured response frameworks (e.g. MITRE ATT&CK, Lockheed Martin Kill Chain, Diamond Model). |
Knowledge |
4588 | Knowledge of transmission capabilities (e.g., Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Infrared Networking (IR), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi). paging, cellular, satellite dishes, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)). |
Knowledge |
4594 | Knowledge of WAN technologies such as PPP, Frame-relay, dedicated T1s, ISDN, and routing protocols |
Knowledge |
4595 | Knowledge of web applications and their common attack vectors. |
Knowledge |
4606 | Skill in applying STIG upgrades |
Skill |
4609 | Skill in cable management and organization |
Skill |
4615 | Skill in configuring and utilizing software-based computer protection tools (e.g., software firewalls, anti-virus software, anti-spyware). |
Skill |
4635 | Skill in implementing DHCP and DNS |
Skill |
4664 | Skill in router IOS backup, recovery, and upgrade. |
Skill |
4671 | Skill in understanding cybersecurity architecture, its implementation, and its expected behaviors and how changes in conditions affect outcomes. |
Skill |
6100 | Ability to develop policy, plans, and strategy in compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and standards in support of organizational cyber activities. |
Ability |
6240 | Knowledge of critical protocols (e.g., IPSEC, AES, GRE, IKE). |
Knowledge |
6590 | Skill in interfacing with customers. |
Skill |
8042 | Consult with customers about network system design and maintenance. |
Task |
8058 | Design countermeasures and mitigations against potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in system and elements. |
Task |
8059 | Design, develop, and modify network systems, using scientific analysis and mathematical models to predict and measure outcome and consequences of design. |
Task |
8078 | Diagnose network connectivity problems. |
Task |
8091 | Engage customers to understand their expectations and wants. |
Task |
8099 | Evaluate security architecture and its design against cyberspace threats as identified in operational and acquisition documents. |
Task |
8110 | Identify optimal locations for network sensor placement to collect on targeted devices. |
Task |
8117 | Implement and enforce DCO policies and procedures reflecting applicable laws, policies, procedures, and regulations (such as United States Code Titles 10 and 50). |
Task |
8131 | Maintain Operational, technical, and authoritative situational awareness during effects-based operations |
Task |
8139 | Notify designated mission leadership or applicable team members of any suspected cyber incident. |
Task |
8161 | Provide and maintain documentation for TTPs as inputs to training programs. |
Task |
8165 | Provide feedback for RFI generation. |
Task |
8187 | Repair network connectivity problems. |
Task |
The Target Analyst Reporter (TAR) provides synthesized products to customers by researching, analyzing, and reporting intelligence via appropriate reporting vehicles in response to customer requirements and IAW missions of SIGINT, cybersecurity, and cyberspace operations. They prioritize, assess, evaluate, and report information obtained from SIGINT collection, cyber surveillance, and reconnaissance operations sources. The TAR enhances reporting with collateral information as required, maintains awareness of internal and external customer requirements, and collaborates with other collectors and analysts to refine collection and reporting requirements. The TAR shares target-related information and provides feedback to customers as appropriate. The TAR develops working aids and provides database updates on target activity to enhance and build target knowledge and improve collection. The TAR performs quality control and product-release functions.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
244 | Ability to determine the validity of technology trend data. |
Ability |
296 | Knowledge of how information needs and collection requirements are translated, tracked, and prioritized across the extended enterprise. |
Knowledge |
912 | Knowledge of collection management processes, capabilities, and limitations. |
Knowledge |
915 | Knowledge of front-end collection systems, including traffic collection, filtering, and selection. |
Knowledge |
1036 | Knowledge of applicable laws (e.g., Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Protect America Act, search and seizure laws, civil liberties and privacy laws), statutes (e.g., in Titles 10, 18, 32, 50 in U.S. Code), Presidential Directives, executive branch guidelines, and/or administrative/criminal legal guidelines and procedures relevant to work performed. |
Knowledge |
1056 | Knowledge of operations security. |
Knowledge |
2001 | Accurately characterize targets. |
Task |
2081 | Classify documents in accordance with classification guidelines. |
Task |
2087 | Collaborate with intelligence analysts/targeting organizations involved in related areas. |
Task |
2089 | Collaborate with other customer, Intelligence and targeting organizations involved in related cyber areas. |
Task |
2101 | Identify and conduct analysis of target communications to identify information essential to support operations. |
Task |
2134 | Conduct target research and analysis. |
Task |
2183 | Coordinate with other organizations to deconflict reporting. |
Task |
2195 | Maintain awareness of internal and external cyber organization structures, strengths, and employments of staffing and technology. |
Task |
2236 | Determine if information meets reporting requirements. |
Task |
2243 | Determine what technologies are used by a given target. |
Task |
2356 | Engage customers to understand customers’ intelligence needs and wants. |
Task |
2400 | Examine intercept-related metadata and content with an understanding of targeting significance. |
Task |
2427 | Gather information about networks through traditional and alternative techniques, (e.g., social network analysis, call-chaining, traffic analysis.) |
Task |
2429 | Generate requests for information. |
Task |
2434 | Identify threat tactics, and methodologies. |
Task |
2441 | Identify and evaluate threat critical capabilities, requirements, and vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2459A | Identify cyber intelligence gaps and shortfalls. |
Task |
2515 | Initiate requests to guide tasking and assist with collection management. |
Task |
2542 | Maintain awareness of advancements in hardware and software technologies (e.g., attend training or conferences, reading) and their potential implications. |
Task |
2568 | Make recommendations to guide collection in support of customer requirements. |
Task |
2608 | Monitor target networks to provide indications and warning of target communications changes or processing failures. |
Task |
2621 | Provide SME and support to planning/developmental forums and working groups as appropriate. |
Task |
2628A | Provide subject matter expertise to development of exercises. |
Task |
2715 | Produce reports based on intelligence information using appropriate formats for dissemination. |
Task |
2719 | Profile targets and their activities. |
Task |
2770 | Provide time sensitive targeting support. |
Task |
2779 | Review appropriate information sources to determine validity and relevance of information gathered. |
Task |
2781 | Reconstruct networks in diagram or report format. |
Task |
2798 | Research communications trends in emerging technologies (in computer and telephony networks, satellite, cable, and wireless) in both open and classified sources. |
Task |
2818 | Sanitize and minimize information to protect sources and methods. |
Task |
2840 | Support identification and documentation of collateral effects. |
Task |
2893 | Assess, document, and apply a target’s motivation and/or frame of reference to facilitate analysis, targeting and collection opportunities. |
Task |
2894 | Collaborate across internal and/or external organizational lines to enhance collection, analysis and dissemination. |
Task |
2897 | Conduct analysis of target communications to identify essential information in support of organization objectives. |
Task |
2902 | Evaluate and interpret metadata to look for patterns, anomalies, or events, thereby optimizing targeting, analysis and processing. |
Task |
2904 | Identify cyber threat tactics and methodologies. |
Task |
2905 | Identify target communications within the global network. |
Task |
2906 | Maintain awareness of target communication tools, techniques, and the characteristics of target communication networks (e.g., capacity, functionality, paths, critical nodes) and their potential implications for targeting, collection, and analysis. |
Task |
2912 | Perform or support technical network analysis and mapping. |
Task |
2919 | Perform social network analysis and document as appropriate. |
Task |
2922 | Tip critical or time-sensitive information to appropriate customers. |
Task |
3001 | Ability to accurately and completely source all data used in intelligence, assessment and/or planning products. |
Ability |
3002 | Ability to focus research efforts to meet the customer’s decision-making needs. |
Ability |
3020 | Ability to clearly articulate intelligence requirements into well-formulated research questions and requests for information. |
Ability |
3021 | Ability to collaborate effectively with others. |
Ability |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3039 | Ability to develop or recommend analytic approaches or solutions to problems and situations for which information is incomplete or for which no precedent exists. |
Ability |
3043 | Ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize large quantities of data (which may be fragmented and contradictory) into high quality, fused targeting/intelligence products. |
Ability |
3044 | Ability to exercise judgment when policies are not well-defined. |
Ability |
3047 | Ability to function effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. |
Ability |
3048 | Ability to function in a collaborative environment, seeking continuous consultation with other analysts and experts—both internal and external to the organization—in order to leverage analytical and technical expertise. |
Ability |
3052 | Ability to identify intelligence gaps. |
Ability |
3073 | Ability to recognize and mitigate cognitive biases which may affect analysis. |
Ability |
3074 | Ability to recognize and mitigate deception in reporting and analysis. |
Ability |
3077 | Ability to think critically. |
Ability |
3078 | Knowledge of target methods and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3081 | Ability to utilize multiple intelligence sources across all intelligence disciplines. |
Ability |
3095 | Knowledge of internet network addressing (IP addresses, classless inter-domain routing, TCP/UDP port numbering). |
Knowledge |
3106 | Knowledge of a wide range of basic communications media concepts and terminology (e.g., computer and telephone networks, satellite, cable, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3113 | Knowledge of target intelligence gathering and operational preparation techniques and life cycles. |
Knowledge |
3117 | Knowledge of all-source reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
3129 | Knowledge of attack methods and techniques (DDoS, brute force, spoofing, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3137 | Knowledge of basic malicious activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration). |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3154 | Knowledge of classification and control markings standards, policies and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3158 | Knowledge of cyber operation objectives, policies, and legalities. |
Knowledge |
3166 | Knowledge of collection searching/analyzing techniques and tools for chat/buddy list, emerging technologies, VOIP, Media Over IP, VPN, VSAT/wireless, web mail and cookies. |
Knowledge |
3172 | Knowledge of collection sources including conventional and non-conventional sources. |
Knowledge |
3174 | Knowledge of the intelligence requirements development and request for information processes. |
Knowledge |
3179 | Knowledge of common networking devices and their configurations. |
Knowledge |
3181 | Knowledge of common reporting databases and tools. |
Knowledge |
3219 | Knowledge of cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3225 | Knowledge of data communications terminology (e.g., networking protocols, Ethernet, IP, encryption, optical devices, removable media). |
Knowledge |
3237 | Knowledge of denial and deception techniques. |
Knowledge |
3242 | Knowledge of document classification procedures, policy, resources, and personnel. |
Knowledge |
3262 | Knowledge of evolving/emerging communications technologies. |
Knowledge |
3288 | Knowledge of how converged technologies impact cyber operations (e.g., digital, telephony, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3291 | Knowledge of how internet applications work (SMTP email, web-based email, chat clients, VOIP). |
Knowledge |
3292 | Knowledge of how modern digital and telephony networks impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3293 | Knowledge of how modern wireless communications systems impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3296 | Knowledge of how to collect, view, and identify essential information on targets of interest from metadata (e.g., email, http). |
Knowledge |
3298 | Knowledge of how to extract, analyze, and use metadata. |
Knowledge |
3324 | Knowledge of information and collateral intelligence sources. |
Knowledge |
3338 | Knowledge of intelligence reporting principles, policies, procedures, and vehicles, including report formats, reportability criteria (requirements and priorities), dissemination practices, and legal authorities and restrictions. |
Knowledge |
3346 | Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols. |
Knowledge |
3382 | Knowledge of methods to integrate and summarize information from any potential sources. |
Knowledge |
3386 | Knowledge of midpoint collection (process, objectives, organization, targets, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3407 | Knowledge of network security (e.g., encryption, firewalls, authentication, honey pots, perimeter protection). |
Knowledge |
3418 | Knowledge of organization and/or partner collection systems, capabilities, and processes (e.g., collection and protocol processors). |
Knowledge |
3441 | Knowledge of physical and logical network devices and infrastructure to include hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. |
Knowledge |
3450 | Knowledge of principles and practices related to target development such as target knowledge, associations, communication systems, and infrastructure. |
Knowledge |
3505 | Knowledge of strategies and tools for target research. |
Knowledge |
3534 | Knowledge of target, including related current events, communication profile, actors, and history (language, culture) and/or frame of reference. |
Knowledge |
3542 | Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of converged applications. |
Knowledge |
3564 | Knowledge of the data flow from collection origin to repositories and tools. |
Knowledge |
3582 | Knowledge of the intelligence frameworks, processes, and related systems. |
Knowledge |
3595 | Knowledge of the organization, roles and responsibilities of higher, lower and adjacent sub-elements. |
Knowledge |
3603 | Knowledge of the principal methods, procedures, and techniques of gathering information and producing intelligence. |
Knowledge |
3608 | Knowledge of the purpose and contribution of target templates. |
Knowledge |
3616 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern digital and telephony networks. |
Knowledge |
3617 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern wireless communications systems. |
Knowledge |
3627 | Knowledge of cryptologic capabilities, limitations, and contributions to cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3664 | Skill in identifying how a target communicates. |
Skill |
3667 | Skill in analyzing a target’s communication networks. |
Skill |
3678 | Skill in analyzing traffic to identify network devices. |
Skill |
3689 | Skill in applying various analytical methods, tools, and techniques (e.g., competing hypotheses; chain of reasoning; scenario methods; denial and deception detection; high impact-low probability; network/association or link analysis; Bayesian, Delphi, and Pattern analyses). |
Skill |
3692 | Skill in assessing the applicability of available analytical tools to various situations. |
Skill |
3708 | Skill in conducting social network analysis, buddy list analysis, and/or cookie analysis. |
Skill |
3765 | Skill in disseminating items of highest intelligence value in a timely manner. |
Skill |
3771 | Skill in evaluating data sources for relevance, reliability, and objectivity. |
Skill |
3772 | Skill in evaluating information for reliability, validity, and relevance. |
Skill |
3773 | Skill in evaluating information to recognize relevance, priority, etc. |
Skill |
3774 | Skill in evaluating accesses for intelligence value. |
Skill |
3778 | Skill in exploiting/querying organizational and/or partner collection databases. |
Skill |
3787 | Skill in identifying a target’s communications networks. |
Skill |
3797 | Skill in identifying leads for target development. |
Skill |
3803 | Skill in identifying, locating, and tracking targets via geospatial analysis techniques |
Skill |
3812 | Skill in interpreting metadata and content as applied by collection systems. |
Skill |
3822 | Skill in managing client relationships, including determining client needs/requirements, managing client expectations, and demonstrating commitment to delivering quality results. |
Skill |
3828 | Skill in navigating network visualization software. |
Skill |
3863 | Skill in recognizing midpoint opportunities and essential information. |
Skill |
3864 | Skill in recognizing relevance of information. |
Skill |
3865 | Skill in recognizing significant changes in a target’s communication patterns. |
Skill |
3867 | Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for leads to enable remote operations (data includes users, passwords, email addresses, IP ranges of the target, frequency in DNI behavior, mail servers, domain servers, SMTP header information). |
Skill |
3867A | Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for target development including intelligence development. |
Skill |
3873 | Skill in researching essential information. |
Skill |
3885 | Skill in fusion analysis |
Skill |
3890 | Skill in synthesizing, analyzing, and prioritizing meaning across data sets. |
Skill |
3908 | Skill in using research methods including multiple, different sources to reconstruct a target network. |
Skill |
3915 | Skill in using geospatial data and applying geospatial resources. |
Skill |
3923 | Skill in using non-attributable networks. |
Skill |
3951 | Skill in writing about facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner. |
Skill |
4072 | Knowledge of collection systems, capabilities, and processes. |
Knowledge |
4073 | Knowledge of the feedback cycle in collection processes. |
Knowledge |
4078 | Knowledge of target or threat cyber actors and procedures. |
Knowledge |
4079 | Knowledge of basic cyber operations activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration, penetration testing, white/black listing). |
Knowledge |
4085 | Knowledge of approved intelligence dissemination processes. |
Knowledge |
4086 | Knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and policies. |
Knowledge |
4088 | Knowledge of target communication profiles and their key elements (e.g., target associations, activities, communication infrastructure). |
Knowledge |
4089 | Knowledge of target communication tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4090 | Knowledge of the characteristics of targeted communication networks (e.g., capacity, functionality, paths, critical nodes). |
Knowledge |
4094 | Knowledge of networking and internet communications fundamentals (i.e. devices, device configuration, hardware, software, applications, ports/protocols, addressing, network architecture and infrastructure, routing, operating systems, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4095 | Knowledge of concepts related to websites (e.g., web servers/pages, hosting, DNS, registration, web languages such as HTML). |
Knowledge |
4097 | Knowledge of network security implementations (e.g., host-based IDS, IPS, access control lists), including their function and placement in a network. |
Knowledge |
4099 | Knowledge of customer information needs. |
Knowledge |
4106 | Knowledge of analytic tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4113 | Knowledge of the request for information process. |
Knowledge |
4118 | Skill in identifying a target’s network characteristics. |
Skill |
4121 | Skill in assessing a target’s frame of reference (e.g., motivation, technical capability, organizational structure, sensitivities). |
Skill |
4123 | Skill in conducting research using all available sources. |
Skill |
4125 | Skill in complying with the legal restrictions for targeted information. |
Skill |
4128 | Skill in developing intelligence reports. |
Skill |
4129 | Skill in evaluating and interpreting metadata. |
Skill |
4134 | Skill in identifying intelligence gaps and limitations. |
Skill |
4141 | Skill in providing analysis on target-related matters (e.g., language, cultural, communications). |
Skill |
4148 | Ability to review processed target language materials for accuracy and completeness. |
Ability |
4160 | Skill in interpreting traceroute results, as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. |
Skill |
4165 | Knowledge of obfuscation techniques (e.g., TOR/Onion/anonymizers, VPN/VPS, encryption). |
Knowledge |
4166 | Knowledge of computer programming concepts, including computer languages, programming, testing, debugging, and file types. |
Knowledge |
4396 | Knowledge of basic cloud-based technologies and concepts. |
Knowledge |
4421 | Knowledge of Critical Intelligence Communication (CRITIC) identification and reporting process. |
Knowledge |
4423 | Knowledge of cryptologic and SIGINT reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
4460 | Knowledge of how and when to request assistance from the Cryptanalysis and Signals Analysis and/or CNO. |
Knowledge |
4470 | Knowledge of intelligence sources and their characteristics. |
Knowledge |
4491 | Knowledge of methods, tools, sources, and techniques used to research, integrate and summarize information pertaining to target. |
Knowledge |
4523 | Knowledge of quality review process and procedures. |
Knowledge |
4570 | Knowledge of the overall mission of the Cyber Mission Forces (CMF). |
Knowledge |
4578 | Knowledge of the specific missions for CMF (i.e., Cyber Mission Teams (CMT), National Mission Teams (NMT), Combat Support Team (CST), National Support Team (NST), Cyber Protection Team (CPT). |
Knowledge |
4582 | Knowledge of the U.S. SIGNIT System (USSS) authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to the cyberspace operations mission. |
Knowledge |
4612 | Skill in conducting derivative classification IAW organization standards/Policy |
Skill |
4613 | Skill in conducting quality review of serialized reports and reporting for time-sensitive USCYBERCOM operations. |
Skill |
4619 | Skill in developing and maintaining target profiles. |
Skill |
4625 | Skill in drafting serialized reports to support time-sensitive USCYBERCOM operations. |
Skill |
4626 | Skill in drafting serialized reports to the quality level meeting release standards. |
Skill |
4629 | Skill in executing post publication processes IAW organization standards/Policy |
Skill |
4651 | Skill in providing feedback to enhance future collection and analysis. |
Skill |
4656 | Skill in recognizing exploitation opportunities. |
Skill |
4657 | Skill in recognizing targeting opportunities and essential information. |
Skill |
4662 | Skill in releasing serialized and time-sensitive reports. |
Skill |
8010 | Apply analytic techniques to validate information or data in reporting. |
Task |
8011 | Apply and/or develop analytic techniques to provide better intelligence. |
Task |
8013 | Apply customer requirements to the analysis process. |
Task |
8022 | Assist in the mitigation of collection gaps. |
Task |
8023 | Assist planners in the development of courses of action |
Task |
8038 | Conduct pre and post publication actions |
Task |
8063 | Develop analytical techniques to gain more target information. |
Task |
8065 | Develop and maintain target profiles using appropriate corporate tools and databases (e.g. Target associations, activities, communication infrastructures, etc.). |
Task |
8081 | Document and disseminate analytic findings. |
Task |
8090 | Enable targeting offices to find new sources of collection. |
Task |
8100 | Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the intelligence source. |
Task |
8101 | Evaluate threat critical capabilities, requirements, and vulnerabilities. |
Task |
8108 | Identify and facilitate partner relationships to enhance mission capabilities |
Task |
8128 | Lead work role working groups/planning and development forums |
Task |
8137 | Manipulate information in mission relevant databases (e.g., converting data, generating reports). |
Task |
8138 | Mitigate collection gaps |
Task |
8145 | Perform network analysis to support new or continued collection. |
Task |
8149 | Perform quality review and provide feedback on the materials delivered on which analysis and reporting is conducted. |
Task |
8155 | Prioritize reporting based on SIGINT reporting instructions or other mission reporting priorities. |
Task |
8157 | Produce digital network intelligence against specific named target sets. |
Task |
8173 | Provide intel target recommendations which meet leadership objectives. |
Task |
8176 | Provide SME support for the development and implementation of exercises. |
Task |
8191 | Select, build, and develop query strategies against appropriate collection databases. |
Task |
8203 | Understand hacker TTPs and methodologies. |
Task |
8204 | Understand network components and their functionality to enable analysis and target development. |
Task |
8205 | Understand technologies used by a given target |
Task |
8213 | Verify and validate that network graphics are accurate and comply with reporting policy. |
Task |
The TDNA conducts advanced analysis of collection and open-source data to ensure target continuity, profile targets and their activities, and develop techniques to gain more target cyberspace operations related information. They possess knowledge of target cyberspace technologies and apply skills and knowledge of cyberspace networks and the applications on them to determine how targets communicate, move, operate, and live within the cyberspace domain. TDNAs apply analytical techniques to review relevant content carried in target cyberspace communications. The TDNA uses data from networks of all forms for target development. TDNAs are technology savvy and can be flexible enough to rapidly shift from one target to another.
Core KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
22 | * Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. |
Knowledge |
108 | * Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). |
Knowledge |
1157 | * Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. |
Knowledge |
1158 | * Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. |
Knowledge |
1159 | * Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. |
Knowledge |
6900 | * Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. |
Knowledge |
6935 | * Knowledge of cloud computing service models Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). |
Knowledge |
6938 | * Knowledge of cloud computing deployment models in private, public, and hybrid environment and the difference between on-premises and off-premises environments. |
Knowledge |
Additional KSATs
KSAT ID | Description | KSAT |
244 | Ability to determine the validity of technology trend data. |
Ability |
296 | Knowledge of how information needs and collection requirements are translated, tracked, and prioritized across the extended enterprise. |
Knowledge |
912 | Knowledge of collection management processes, capabilities, and limitations. |
Knowledge |
915 | Knowledge of front-end collection systems, including traffic collection, filtering, and selection. |
Knowledge |
1056 | Knowledge of operations security. |
Knowledge |
2001 | Accurately characterize targets. |
Task |
2059 | Provide expertise to course of action development. |
Task |
2066 | Provide expertise to the development of measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. |
Task |
2081 | Classify documents in accordance with classification guidelines. |
Task |
2087 | Collaborate with intelligence analysts/targeting organizations involved in related areas. |
Task |
2089 | Collaborate with other customer, Intelligence and targeting organizations involved in related cyber areas. |
Task |
2099 | Compile, integrate, and/or interpret all-source data for intelligence or vulnerability value with respect to specific targets. |
Task |
2101 | Identify and conduct analysis of target communications to identify information essential to support operations. |
Task |
2134 | Conduct target research and analysis. |
Task |
2195 | Maintain awareness of internal and external cyber organization structures, strengths, and employments of staffing and technology. |
Task |
2236 | Determine if information meets reporting requirements. |
Task |
2243 | Determine what technologies are used by a given target. |
Task |
2249 | Develop all-source intelligence targeting materials. |
Task |
2251 | Apply analytic techniques to gain more target information. |
Task |
2289 | Develop measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. |
Task |
2356 | Engage customers to understand customers’ intelligence needs and wants. |
Task |
2393 | Generate and evaluate the effectiveness of network analysis strategies. |
Task |
2400 | Examine intercept-related metadata and content with an understanding of targeting significance. |
Task |
2427 | Gather information about networks through traditional and alternative techniques, (e.g., social network analysis, call-chaining, traffic analysis.) |
Task |
2429 | Generate requests for information. |
Task |
2434 | Identify threat tactics, and methodologies. |
Task |
2441 | Identify and evaluate threat critical capabilities, requirements, and vulnerabilities. |
Task |
2453 | Identify collection gaps and potential collection strategies against targets. |
Task |
2458 | Identify critical target elements. |
Task |
2459 | Identify intelligence gaps and shortfalls. |
Task |
2469 | Identify network components and their functionality to enable analysis and target development. |
Task |
2515 | Initiate requests to guide tasking and assist with collection management. |
Task |
2542 | Maintain awareness of advancements in hardware and software technologies (e.g., attend training or conferences, reading) and their potential implications. |
Task |
2568 | Make recommendations to guide collection in support of customer requirements. |
Task |
2608 | Monitor target networks to provide indications and warning of target communications changes or processing failures. |
Task |
2621 | Provide SME and support to planning/developmental forums and working groups as appropriate. |
Task |
2628A | Provide subject matter expertise to development of exercises. |
Task |
2628 | Participate in exercises. |
Task |
2639 | Perform content and/or metadata analysis to meet organization objectives. |
Task |
2719 | Profile targets and their activities. |
Task |
2749 | Provide input for targeting effectiveness assessments for leadership acceptance. |
Task |
2770 | Provide time sensitive targeting support. |
Task |
2779 | Review appropriate information sources to determine validity and relevance of information gathered. |
Task |
2798 | Research communications trends in emerging technologies (in computer and telephony networks, satellite, cable, and wireless) in both open and classified sources. |
Task |
2818 | Sanitize and minimize information to protect sources and methods. |
Task |
2840 | Support identification and documentation of collateral effects. |
Task |
2893 | Assess, document, and apply a target’s motivation and/or frame of reference to facilitate analysis, targeting and collection opportunities. |
Task |
2894 | Collaborate across internal and/or external organizational lines to enhance collection, analysis and dissemination. |
Task |
2897 | Conduct analysis of target communications to identify essential information in support of organization objectives. |
Task |
2902 | Evaluate and interpret metadata to look for patterns, anomalies, or events, thereby optimizing targeting, analysis and processing. |
Task |
2905 | Identify target communications within the global network. |
Task |
2906 | Maintain awareness of target communication tools, techniques, and the characteristics of target communication networks (e.g., capacity, functionality, paths, critical nodes) and their potential implications for targeting, collection, and analysis. |
Task |
2909 | Provide feedback to collection managers to enhance future collection and analysis. |
Task |
2919 | Perform social network analysis and document as appropriate. |
Task |
2922 | Tip critical or time-sensitive information to appropriate customers. |
Task |
3001 | Ability to accurately and completely source all data used in intelligence, assessment and/or planning products. |
Ability |
3002 | Ability to focus research efforts to meet the customer’s decision-making needs. |
Ability |
3020 | Ability to clearly articulate intelligence requirements into well-formulated research questions and requests for information. |
Ability |
3021 | Ability to collaborate effectively with others. |
Ability |
3022 | Ability to communicate complex information, concepts, or ideas in a confident and well-organized manner through verbal, written, and/or visual means. |
Ability |
3039 | Ability to develop or recommend analytic approaches or solutions to problems and situations for which information is incomplete or for which no precedent exists. |
Ability |
3043 | Ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize large quantities of data (which may be fragmented and contradictory) into high quality, fused targeting/intelligence products. |
Ability |
3044 | Ability to exercise judgment when policies are not well-defined. |
Ability |
3047 | Ability to function effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. |
Ability |
3048 | Ability to function in a collaborative environment, seeking continuous consultation with other analysts and experts—both internal and external to the organization—in order to leverage analytical and technical expertise. |
Ability |
3052 | Ability to identify intelligence gaps. |
Ability |
3073 | Ability to recognize and mitigate cognitive biases which may affect analysis. |
Ability |
3074 | Ability to recognize and mitigate deception in reporting and analysis. |
Ability |
3077 | Ability to think critically. |
Ability |
3078 | Knowledge of target methods and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3081 | Ability to utilize multiple intelligence sources across all intelligence disciplines. |
Ability |
3095 | Knowledge of internet network addressing (IP addresses, classless inter-domain routing, TCP/UDP port numbering). |
Knowledge |
3106 | Knowledge of a wide range of basic communications media concepts and terminology (e.g., computer and telephone networks, satellite, cable, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3113 | Knowledge of target intelligence gathering and operational preparation techniques and life cycles. |
Knowledge |
3129 | Knowledge of attack methods and techniques (DDoS, brute force, spoofing, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3137 | Knowledge of basic malicious activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration). |
Knowledge |
3146 | Knowledge of both internal and external customers and partner organizations, including information needs, objectives, structure, capabilities, etc. |
Knowledge |
3154 | Knowledge of classification and control markings standards, policies and procedures. |
Knowledge |
3158 | Knowledge of cyber operation objectives, policies, and legalities. |
Knowledge |
3166 | Knowledge of collection searching/analyzing techniques and tools for chat/buddy list, emerging technologies, VOIP, Media Over IP, VPN, VSAT/wireless, web mail and cookies. |
Knowledge |
3172 | Knowledge of collection sources including conventional and non-conventional sources. |
Knowledge |
3174 | Knowledge of the intelligence requirements development and request for information processes. |
Knowledge |
3179 | Knowledge of common networking devices and their configurations. |
Knowledge |
3181 | Knowledge of common reporting databases and tools. |
Knowledge |
3219 | Knowledge of cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3237 | Knowledge of denial and deception techniques. |
Knowledge |
3242 | Knowledge of document classification procedures, policy, resources, and personnel. |
Knowledge |
3262 | Knowledge of evolving/emerging communications technologies. |
Knowledge |
3281 | Knowledge of governing authorities for targeting. |
Knowledge |
3288 | Knowledge of how converged technologies impact cyber operations (e.g., digital, telephony, wireless). |
Knowledge |
3291 | Knowledge of how internet applications work (SMTP email, web-based email, chat clients, VOIP). |
Knowledge |
3292 | Knowledge of how modern digital and telephony networks impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3293 | Knowledge of how modern wireless communications systems impact cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3296 | Knowledge of how to collect, view, and identify essential information on targets of interest from metadata (e.g., email, http). |
Knowledge |
3298 | Knowledge of how to extract, analyze, and use metadata. |
Knowledge |
3324 | Knowledge of information and collateral intelligence sources. |
Knowledge |
3338 | Knowledge of intelligence reporting principles, policies, procedures, and vehicles, including report formats, reportability criteria (requirements and priorities), dissemination practices, and legal authorities and restrictions. |
Knowledge |
3346 | Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols. |
Knowledge |
3367 | Knowledge of all applicable statutes, laws, regulations and policies governing cyber targeting and exploitation. |
Knowledge |
3368 | Knowledge of legal considerations in targeting. |
Knowledge |
3382 | Knowledge of methods to integrate and summarize information from any potential sources. |
Knowledge |
3386 | Knowledge of midpoint collection (process, objectives, organization, targets, etc.). |
Knowledge |
3407 | Knowledge of network security (e.g., encryption, firewalls, authentication, honey pots, perimeter protection). |
Knowledge |
3418 | Knowledge of organization and/or partner collection systems, capabilities, and processes (e.g., collection and protocol processors). |
Knowledge |
3441 | Knowledge of physical and logical network devices and infrastructure to include hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. |
Knowledge |
3450 | Knowledge of principles and practices related to target development such as target knowledge, associations, communication systems, and infrastructure. |
Knowledge |
3505 | Knowledge of strategies and tools for target research. |
Knowledge |
3534 | Knowledge of target, including related current events, communication profile, actors, and history (language, culture) and/or frame of reference. |
Knowledge |
3542 | Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of converged applications. |
Knowledge |
3564 | Knowledge of the data flow from collection origin to repositories and tools. |
Knowledge |
3582 | Knowledge of the intelligence frameworks, processes, and related systems. |
Knowledge |
3587 | Knowledge of targeting cycles. |
Knowledge |
3595 | Knowledge of the organization, roles and responsibilities of higher, lower and adjacent sub-elements. |
Knowledge |
3603 | Knowledge of the principal methods, procedures, and techniques of gathering information and producing intelligence. |
Knowledge |
3608 | Knowledge of the purpose and contribution of target templates. |
Knowledge |
3616 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern digital and telephony networks. |
Knowledge |
3617 | Knowledge of the structure, architecture, and design of modern wireless communications systems. |
Knowledge |
3626 | Knowledge of the organization’s planning, operations and targeting cycles. |
Knowledge |
3627 | Knowledge of cryptologic capabilities, limitations, and contributions to cyber operations. |
Knowledge |
3664 | Skill in identifying how a target communicates. |
Skill |
3667 | Skill in analyzing a target’s communication networks. |
Skill |
3678 | Skill in analyzing traffic to identify network devices. |
Skill |
3689 | Skill in applying various analytical methods, tools, and techniques (e.g., competing hypotheses; chain of reasoning; scenario methods; denial and deception detection; high impact-low probability; network/association or link analysis; Bayesian, Delphi, and Pattern analyses). |
Skill |
3692 | Skill in assessing the applicability of available analytical tools to various situations. |
Skill |
3708 | Skill in conducting social network analysis, buddy list analysis, and/or cookie analysis. |
Skill |
3737 | Skill in determining appropriate targeting options through the evaluation of available capabilities against desired effects. |
Skill |
3765 | Skill in disseminating items of highest intelligence value in a timely manner. |
Skill |
3771 | Skill in evaluating data sources for relevance, reliability, and objectivity. |
Skill |
3772 | Skill in evaluating information for reliability, validity, and relevance. |
Skill |
3773 | Skill in evaluating information to recognize relevance, priority, etc. |
Skill |
3774 | Skill in evaluating accesses for intelligence value. |
Skill |
3778 | Skill in exploiting/querying organizational and/or partner collection databases. |
Skill |
3787 | Skill in identifying a target’s communications networks. |
Skill |
3797 | Skill in identifying leads for target development. |
Skill |
3803 | Skill in identifying, locating, and tracking targets via geospatial analysis techniques |
Skill |
3812 | Skill in interpreting metadata and content as applied by collection systems. |
Skill |
3822 | Skill in managing client relationships, including determining client needs/requirements, managing client expectations, and demonstrating commitment to delivering quality results. |
Skill |
3828 | Skill in navigating network visualization software. |
Skill |
3863 | Skill in recognizing midpoint opportunities and essential information. |
Skill |
3864 | Skill in recognizing relevance of information. |
Skill |
3865 | Skill in recognizing significant changes in a target’s communication patterns. |
Skill |
3867A | Skill in recognizing technical information that may be used for target development including intelligence development. |
Skill |
3873 | Skill in researching essential information. |
Skill |
3885 | Skill in fusion analysis |
Skill |
3890 | Skill in synthesizing, analyzing, and prioritizing meaning across data sets. |
Skill |
3908 | Skill in using research methods including multiple, different sources to reconstruct a target network. |
Skill |
3915 | Skill in using geospatial data and applying geospatial resources. |
Skill |
3923 | Skill in using non-attributable networks. |
Skill |
3951 | Skill in writing about facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner. |
Skill |
4072 | Knowledge of collection systems, capabilities, and processes. |
Knowledge |
4073 | Knowledge of the feedback cycle in collection processes. |
Knowledge |
4078 | Knowledge of target or threat cyber actors and procedures. |
Knowledge |
4079 | Knowledge of basic cyber operations activity concepts (e.g., foot printing, scanning and enumeration, penetration testing, white/black listing). |
Knowledge |
4085 | Knowledge of approved intelligence dissemination processes. |
Knowledge |
4086 | Knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and policies. |
Knowledge |
4088 | Knowledge of target communication profiles and their key elements (e.g., target associations, activities, communication infrastructure). |
Knowledge |
4089 | Knowledge of target communication tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4090 | Knowledge of the characteristics of targeted communication networks (e.g., capacity, functionality, paths, critical nodes). |
Knowledge |
4094 | Knowledge of networking and internet communications fundamentals (i.e. devices, device configuration, hardware, software, applications, ports/protocols, addressing, network architecture and infrastructure, routing, operating systems, etc.). |
Knowledge |
4095 | Knowledge of concepts related to websites (e.g., web servers/pages, hosting, DNS, registration, web languages such as HTML). |
Knowledge |
4097 | Knowledge of network security implementations (e.g., host-based IDS, IPS, access control lists), including their function and placement in a network. |
Knowledge |
4099 | Knowledge of customer information needs. |
Knowledge |
4106 | Knowledge of analytic tools and techniques. |
Knowledge |
4118 | Skill in identifying a target’s network characteristics. |
Skill |
4121 | Skill in assessing a target’s frame of reference (e.g., motivation, technical capability, organizational structure, sensitivities). |
Skill |
4123 | Skill in conducting research using all available sources. |
Skill |
4125 | Skill in complying with the legal restrictions for targeted information. |
Skill |
4128 | Skill in developing intelligence reports. |
Skill |
4129 | Skill in evaluating and interpreting metadata. |
Skill |
4134 | Skill in identifying intelligence gaps and limitations. |
Skill |
4141 | Skill in providing analysis on target-related matters (e.g., language, cultural, communications). |
Skill |
4160 | Skill in interpreting traceroute results, as they apply to network analysis and reconstruction. |
Skill |
4165 | Knowledge of obfuscation techniques (e.g., TOR/Onion/anonymizers, VPN/VPS, encryption). |
Knowledge |
4166 | Knowledge of computer programming concepts, including computer languages, programming, testing, debugging, and file types. |
Knowledge |
4223 | Ability to contribute to the collection management process |
Ability |
4421 | Knowledge of Critical Intelligence Communication (CRITIC) identification and reporting process. |
Knowledge |
4423 | Knowledge of cryptologic and SIGINT reporting and dissemination procedures. |
Knowledge |
4428 | Knowledge of cybersecurity concepts and principles. |
Knowledge |
4431 | Knowledge of data communications terminology (e.g., networking protocols, Ethernet, IP, encryption, optical devices, removable media). |
Knowledge |
4460 | Knowledge of how and when to request assistance from the Cryptanalysis and Signals Analysis and/or CNO. |
Knowledge |
4470 | Knowledge of intelligence sources and their characteristics. |
Knowledge |
4490 | Knowledge of methods, tools, sources, and techniques used to research, integrate and summarize all-source information pertaining to target. |
Knowledge |
4523 | Knowledge of quality review process and procedures. |
Knowledge |
4533 | Knowledge of SIGINT laws and directives. |
Knowledge |
4570 | Knowledge of the overall mission of the Cyber Mission Forces (CMF). |
Knowledge |
4578 | Knowledge of the specific missions for CMF (i.e., Cyber Mission Teams (CMT), National Mission Teams (NMT), Combat Support Team (CST), National Support Team (NST), Cyber Protection Team (CPT). |
Knowledge |
4582 | Knowledge of the U.S. SIGNIT System (USSS) authorities, responsibilities, and contributions to the cyberspace operations mission. |
Knowledge |
4631 | Skill in geolocating targets. |
Skill |
4643 | Skill in operational use of raw collection databases. |
Skill |
4645 | Skill in performing data fusion from all-source intelligence for geospatial analysis. |
Skill |
4651 | Skill in providing feedback to enhance future collection and analysis. |
Skill |
4656 | Skill in recognizing exploitation opportunities. |
Skill |
4659 | Skill in recognizing the value of survey data. |
Skill |
4667 | Skill in selector normalization. |
Skill |
4669 | Skill in targeting (e.g., selectors). |
Skill |
8011 | Apply and/or develop analytic techniques to provide better intelligence. |
Task |
8013 | Apply customer requirements to the analysis process. |
Task |
8023 | Assist planners in the development of courses of action |
Task |
8025 | Be aware of hacker TTPs and methodologies. |
Task |
8063 | Develop analytical techniques to gain more target information. |
Task |
8064 | Develop and lead exercises |
Task |
8065 | Develop and maintain target profiles using appropriate corporate tools and databases (e.g. Target associations, activities, communication infrastructures, etc.). |
Task |
8081 | Document and disseminate analytic findings. |
Task |
8090 | Enable targeting offices to find new sources of collection. |
Task |
8100 | Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the intelligence source. |
Task |
8108 | Identify and facilitate partner relationships to enhance mission capabilities |
Task |
8128 | Lead work role working groups/planning and development forums |
Task |
8137 | Manipulate information in mission relevant databases (e.g., converting data, generating reports). |
Task |
8138 | Mitigate collection gaps |
Task |
8145 | Perform network analysis to support new or continued collection. |
Task |
8157 | Produce digital network intelligence against specific named target sets. |
Task |
8172 | Provide input to training and mitigation plan based on advancements in hardware and software technologies (e.g. attend training or conferences, reading) and their potential implications. |
Task |
8173 | Provide intel target recommendations which meet leadership objectives. |
Task |
8178 | Provide time sensitive support to operations. |
Task |
8191 | Select, build, and develop query strategies against appropriate collection databases. |
Task |
8205 | Understand technologies used by a given target |
Task |