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Items denoted by a * are CORE KSATs for every Work Role, while other CORE KSATs vary by Work Role.
3 NIST ID: S0001 (Skill )

Skill in conducting vulnerability scans and recognizing vulnerabilities in security systems.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Core KSAT 3

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 3

3A NIST ID: S0167 (Skill )

Skill in recognizing vulnerabilities in security systems.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Core KSAT 3A

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

3B NIST ID: N/A (Skill)

Skill in conducting vulnerability scans and recognizing vulnerabilities in information systems and networks.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

3C NIST ID: N/A (Skill)

Skill in recognizing vulnerabilities in information and/or data systems.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

4 NIST ID: A0001 (Ability )

Ability to identify systemic security issues based on the analysis of vulnerability and configuration data.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

5 NIST ID: A0002 (Ability )

Ability to match the appropriate knowledge repository technology for a given application or environment.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Core KSAT 5

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

7A NIST ID: K0330 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of successful capabilities to identify the solutions to less common and more complex system problems.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 7A

8 NIST ID: K0007 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of authentication, authorization, and access control methods.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Core KSAT 8

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

8A NIST ID: K0336 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of access authentication methods.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

8154 NIST ID: N/A (Task)

Prepare COAs to address CCIR events.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Core KSAT 8154

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 8154

9 NIST ID: K0008 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of applicable business processes and operations of customer organizations.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

10 NIST ID: K0009 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of application vulnerabilities.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

10A NIST ID: S0137 (Skill )

Skill in conducting application vulnerability assessments.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 10A

12 NIST ID: K0010 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of communication methods, principles, and concepts (e.g., crypto, dual hubs, time multiplexers) that support the network infrastructure.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

15B NIST ID: A0052 (Ability )

Ability to operate network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media, and related hardware.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 15B

15 NIST ID: K0011 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of capabilities and applications of network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media, and related hardware.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

15A NIST ID: K0296 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of capabilities, applications, and potential vulnerabilities of network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media, and related hardware.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 15A

16 NIST ID: K0012 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of capabilities and requirements analysis.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

No Work Roles with Additional KSAT 16

19 NIST ID: K0013 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of cyber defense and vulnerability assessment tools, including open source tools, and their capabilities.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

20 NIST ID: K0014 (Knowledge )

Knowledge of complex data structures.

Core KSAT for the following Work Roles

Additional KSAT for the following Work Roles

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